Hand flapping when excited not autism reddit. My son is 5 and he does hand flapping.

Buy Now Stimming and Hand Flapping When Excited - What is it? Is it a problem if a child is stimming and hand flapping when excited? Sometimes, children will flap their hands or engaging in self-stimulatory behaviors (also called “stimming”) when they are excited, Yes. Don’t add extra worry, because we moms have enough as is. My experience: I've read about flapping hands before and did not remember doing that before. 347K subscribers in the autism community. delayed crawling. You generally can't do anything either way until around 15-18 months. Hand flapping may occur when a person is excited, anxious, or overwhelmed. I just absolutely love it. What sense does hand flapping stimulate? I honestly supressed any very obvious stimming, but i started getting into hand flapping at the very least in private and its fucking sweet. not responding to a name. ) If flapping helps you express your feelings and FEEL them, please do so. These behaviors can be worrying if they’re not fully understood. Doesn’t respond to name with me , but responds to other people. My brother is insistent that he has autism, and says that him flapping when he gets excited is a sign of it. She does it a lot more than normal. " The biggest difference between my ND kid and my NT kids, as infants and young toddlers, was that my ND kid finger postured. Clicking fingers. But in combination with not instinctively understanding social rules, it definitely sounds like he could either be autistic or an "autistic cousin" ("autistic cousins" is a term for people who are not autistic, but have a disorder that overlaps with autism, like for example sensory processing disorder, communication disorders, or ADHD) I used to stim up until age 8. Embracing and supporting their exuberance allows them to be Sep 14, 2023 · View All Result . I flap if something upsets that ick portion of my brainlike when my dad licks his fingers and rubs his palms when his hands are dry, or if something sets off the sensory issues, like dry napkins on wet teeth. Jun 29, 2024 · Arm flapping when excited is a common behavior observed in typically developing children as well as those with sensory processing disorder, ADHD, anxiety, or just high energy levels. Do you know that motion when you try to "shake off" pain in your fingers? Like that, plus I put my middle finger above my index finger and let my ring finger loose so it bounces against my middle finger with every swing. ) When excited about something, I would get the zoomies and jump around hand flapping for hours. I do it while listening to metal. It is important to keep in mind that every child is unique and reacts to various situations in a different manner as well as with different mannerisms. This behavior is called stimming, and it’s thought to be a way of self-regulating sensory input. Around 8 months, I think. 22 votes, 15 comments. During stressful or overwhelming situations. 99. I would not grab his hands- it can send the message that it's a bad thing. most people associate hand flapping as a stim when you’re feeling happy (or just positive emotion in general), but i only seem to do it when experiencing negative feelings — fear, i touched a bad texture or something Nasty, etc Hand flapping is a common form of stimming in individuals with autism. If his speech and social development are on track, don't stress about it. Boredom. It's just that when they do It's okay. Frustration, anger, or unhappiness. Ive had urges to do it as a kid but supressed it cause at a early age I learned being autistic is bad. It’s not abnormal for 3 year olds to flap their arms. Moving arms. And now I feel bad about feeling shame hahhaa. ”. Felt shame. i’m “professionally recognized” (“diagnosed” by a professional but not on paper) autism and i don’t really mind it. While common in autism and ADHD, arm and hand flapping can occur in "neurotypical" children as well. He is 3. Apart from hand flapping, other types of stimming might include rocking, humming I love it, I always have even before I knew it was a sign of autism. The thing is, I haven’t always flapped my hands. There is no reason to worry about a child exhibiting a behavior like hand flapping at 9 months, it will/would become more relevant info if he does it all the time and consistently for monhs and years, particularly if other signs are strong and persistent. But, it makes me feel more in control i guess? I didn't know that was a type of stim. Rocking back and forth when standing in line. I've heard that flapping in general is, but a lot of people do weird things when they get excited. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by a range of symptoms that affect social interaction, communication, and behavior. She randomly gets excited and starts to wave her arms and her eyes go really wide and she goes goes AH,AH,AH and waves her arms and sometimes flaps her hands. I also tend to mutter the same phrase to myself over send over to calm down when I'm panicked things like "It's ok. Does not point. I jump, hand flap, pace, run around, hit myself, rearrange objects, and flick lights on and off. 2. The girls in my high school classroom would scream and flap their hands to greeth each other when they were happy. If you’re an autism parent, it is likely you’ve seen your child present repetitive stimming (self-stimulatory) behaviors such as hand flapping, spinning, and shaking. When their stressed, bored, excited and sad. It’s also possible for people to have multiple, overlapping disorders that involve stimming (e. Usually, if it’s autism, the hand-flapping/other repetitive movement would persist into your later years. You see the many 1 year olds in the family immediately look on first call of name. shaking my leg, meowing, twirling my hair, sometimes licking my lips, pacing, rocking back and forth, doing spirit fingers by my side, the famous hand flapping when excited, repeating "it's okay it's okay you're okay" and the scariest is probably when I say the Lord's prayer very fast. I have a 15 month old who is delayed in speech . Yes, that’s stimming, and I’d highly recommend doing it more often and anytime you feel like it, it’s a great way to help process and regulate emotion. Other times when hand flapping can be observed in children (both verbal and non-verbal) is when they are trying to express or communicate to others around them. He does follow simple commands such as clean up, give me the book, ball, his toy dog. These are all considered hand flapping. I don't know if I have autism but as an ADHD girlie I LOVE kicking my feet, it releases so much pent up energy and honestly it feels uncontrollable. But, I have started to wonder, and I want to ask other hand/arm flappers about this: When you hand flap, are you able to control it One theory is that since they are so prone to physical sensation, and since our hands are incredibly sensitive, hand flapping is akin to yelling for people who tend to communicate with their hands/gestures. Posted by u/peachystars - 35 votes and 45 comments Hand flap adults? : r/AutisticAdults. It's not my favorite stim but I do Oct 13, 2021 · It is important to recognize that an underlying cause of hand-flapping in both typically developing children and in children with autism can be a heightened emotional state. No, hand flapping is not a definitive sign of autism. We just got our third child diagnosed. That's 3 out of 4 diagnosed ASD. Hand flapping can occur in various contexts, such as when I’m 20 years old have flapped my hands when I feel excited or a strong emotion for as long as I can remember. Let me start off and declare, I know that hand/arm flapping is a stim. it’s weird and sucks sometimes but eh. leaning against something when standing in line/talking to someone. any child will get excited and flap as part of that excitement. r/autism A chip A close button. She’ll flap and then point to the thing she wants (usually something I’m eating). I rub my hands like an scheming villain when I stim lol. Jun 27, 2024 · Jumping when excited is a common behavior in many children and typically does not indicate autism on its own. Nervousness. He is now 6 and it seems that there is a slight decrease. 4. I'm 100% not worried about autism at this stage though. For example tonight the most I’ve ever seen it, prior to tonight I’ve seen her do it 2-3 times and it was However, as our Akron ABA therapists can explain, hand flapping is actually a common behavior that all toddlers behave in. •. Stimming without a social communication delay isn’t much to worry about unless it’s really impacting everyday life. It can be from fidgeting with pencil to fidgeting with hair or flapping hands it’s something autistic people do. Note: this is a community for in-depth discussions, not a dumping ground for memes, pictures, videos, or short text posts. Think_Cry_7960. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Does some stimming such as shaking his head side to side. My son is 5 and he does hand flapping. Most of the time, hand flapping is nothing to worry about and the behavior can be triggered by any of the following: Excitement. shoving my hand under my leg when sitting so that I feel the pressure. , ASD and ADHD). Encourage their self-expression, celebrate their uniqueness, and ensure their safety and well-being. It is viewed as them trying to express that they are: happy, excited, anxious, or Hand flapping is just one form of stimming. Yes, NT babies do hand flap as "an outward expression of joy. tip toe walking. stimming isnt an isolated asd thing. It often manifests as repetitive body movement, such as humming or hand movements. I’ve never had a diagnosis or any sort of ‘test’, but was wondering how I go about potentially getting a diagnosis, I am from the UK. i hand flap pretty often. Please feel free to submit articles to enhance the knowledge… Sep 21, 2023 · While hand flapping can occur at any time, there are some common situations that tend to elicit more flapping in autistic toddlers: Transitions between activities. Children may use hand flapping when they are overly excited, nervous or if they are demonstrating increased fidgeting. All approved posts get this message. Examples of stimming triggers include: Anxiety or stress. Hand flapping when excited. Hand flapping in itself does not mean Autism. This would explain why hand flapping so often accompanies laughter, anger, or just excitement in general. Hand-flapping (as seen in people with Autism) is completely different and NOT in any way a typical or exclusive ADHD Jun 29, 2024 · Hand Flapping. Keep in mind i'm not diagnosed with anything out of the Hand flapping/pumping when excited is kind of like toe-walking. On the rare occasion I experience excitement, I kind of just wiggle a little, or move my feet a bit. Nearly a million and a half users say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. A heightened state of arousal can indicate Not to late. I’d hate to tell you to suppress your feelings, but I also understand how it feels to ashamed about autistic traits in public. It involves rapid and repetitive movements of the hands, typically with the fingers extended and the wrists flexed. Totally different thing. People who have ASD (autism spectrum disorder) usually stim, but not all those who stim have ASD. While it may look unusual to us, stimming behaviors are often calming and comforting for autistic children. I do it myself when I get excited. I could care less about the stares. Hand flapping is one of the most recognizable hand posturing behaviors seen in individuals with autism. -Bouncing my legs. As you know, many autistic people flap their hands for a multitude of reasons. Hand-flapping is one of the physical traits I've seen singled out a few times in autism questionnaires (others include rocking and twirling), if that's any help. It involves rapid, repetitive movements of one or both hands, often characterized by the person extending their arms and repeatedly flexing and extending their wrists. g. It's just kind of releasing a little bit of energy. rocking back and forth in a chair. Home; Autism; BPD; Disorders; Gaslighting; General; Mental Health; No Result Yes, its a danger sign but that just means start paying attention for any other signs or developmental delays. 1. Parents should look at the context in which the arm flapping occurs to determine the cause. Home; Autism; BPD; Disorders; Gaslighting; General; Mental Health; No Result Here are some more things he’s started doing since we started EI : •hand flapping when excited •toe walking • walking around tilting his head back and forth • spinning in circles It’s not a TON that he’s doing these behaviors (except for hand flapping when excited…he does this a lot every day. Some children continue to flap or show other stereotypies past the age of 3 but this is not necessarily a sign of children being on the spectrum. -Opening and closing a door over and over again with my feet. I've spent over a decade working directly with people with Autism, and I disagree that flicking your wrists (stretching them out), tapping fingers or taking apart/biting pens as being "hand-flapping". -General fidgeting with nearby objects that likely qualifies as stimming -Hand-flapping when happy or excited. I had a thought on autism that autistic Oct 12, 2021 · Hand flapping can present itself as a stimming behavior in many ways, including: Moving fingers vigorously. (mostly hand flapping when I was excited) This was before I got diagnosed, I guess my parents looked past it because I… Hey u/PrizeArticle1, thank you for your post at r/autism. They’re getting their wiggles out because they have a lot of energy and big feelings. Many toddlers engage in hand flapping as a way to release energy, express excitement or I agree. Jun 29, 2024 · Hand flapping is one of the most recognizable and frequently observed stereotypic behaviors in individuals with autism. This thread is archived Oct 8, 2023 · Autistic people may stim in certain situations and in the presence of certain types of sensory input. Not much research into the lived experiences of people who do this since it's benign. The hand flapping started around 6 months and then turning in circles, and jumping up to do happy feet all the way to the kitchen table (always to the kitchen table) all Well like the title said recently I have been hand flapping (usually the left one, but I also do it with the right one sometimes but not usually… I love when my son (8) stims…he’s non verbal and he usually stims when he’s excited and happy…they’ve changed over the years, used to be hand flapping, twiddling little objects in each hand a lot. Hand flapping but very often also in a very weird turning way. It is hard to explain but I will try. Reply reply. Fabulous_Cable198. Lots of kids without autism or tics do it and in and of itself is not something to be concerned about. Just sent out a risky message and after I've pressed send I started flapping my hands instantly. My 8 month old does many of these things- some hand flapping when excited, loves beads and she was below 6lbs at full term. Award. My almost two year old flaps his arms when he’s super pumped up. for myself i really just see it as having a different personality Feb 1, 2024 · Hand flapping is seen as a way to escape the over stimulating sensory input present in the environment. Joy, happiness, or excitement. It's who they are, and if I'm being honest I've tried hand flapping myself and it does feel good lol. He started flapping when he got very excited by something he saw or otherwise experienced. Omg I love this!!😂 it’s a small world haha! Reply More replies More replies. When teenagers are excited they jump up and down. She will be in denial about it. He looks but not ways. If you are still concerned I would just start making moves to making a case to your doctor. Lilly shows a lot of autism traits and her hand flapping is more frequent than just a normal toddler flapping hands when excited. 9% of things that are a red flag for autism in older children are completely typical and developmentally appropriate in toddlers, hand-flapping when excited being one of them. It gives an adrenaline rush. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. it’s me. 5 days ago · July 5, 2024. 5 now and while it wasn't right at 3 years of age, he has since stopped flapping his arms. cherryspace. We all stim, NT people stim as well. I read somewhere that if they stop the flapping when they get the thing they want, it is nothing to be concerned about, and I also read that hand flapping as a baby is normal, it’s only when they are older that it could be seen as a sign of autism. When women and girls with a strong maternal instinct see a cute baby they hand flap. When excited or enthusiastic about something. xoitsharperox. It is not exclusive to individuals with autism. Stimming is what people do when they have excess energy that they have to get rid of and if not is not good mentally for the person. Personally I’d be more interested in the not pointing. It is common among people on the autism spectrum. subtle rocking/head banging. Catman1226. I’m sorry that you’re feeling insecure about your stimming. Hand flapping can be a sign of autism and is a repetitive movement that’s quite common. She's done it since she can walk, and she looks so happy. Please feel free to submit articles to enhance… Flapping when excited can be developmentally appropriate until age 3. Stimming or self-stimulating behaviour includes arm or hand-flapping, finger-flicking, rocking, jumping, spinning or twirling, head-banging and complex body movements. 🫂 you are a great parent! Even though your son doesn't do his hand flapping anymore, it sounds like he's still happy. Our rules can be found here. . I called it hand flapping at the time, but he actually never hand flapped, just finger postured. Well this is mostly a vent about shame by stimming. Sep 15, 2023 · View All Result . com Neurotypicals do stim. The hand flapping started tonight but when she’s doing it it’s obvious. , All my life everyone has told me that i'm weird for flapping my hands around when i get excited or worked up. The heavy hand gestures people do when talking reminds me an awful a lot of stereotypical autism hand flapping. Hand flapping for autism (look for signs after 18-24 months) will be a continuous thing, not just occasionally. Lots of toddlers stim. Later he also started clenching his fists and pressing them against his mouth. It could be a sign of developmental or neurological conditions, such as autism, but it might also simply be a self-soothing mechanism. yup-i-reddit. Thanks! I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Hand flap or hand rubbing for me. ago. The latter is stimming that suggests he is stressed, the flapping tends to be more positive. I dont flap but I do other kindes of stretching dont know if that counts. Statistics alone say child #4 is very likely ASD. See full list on adayinourshoes. Feb 1, 2024 · Hand flapping behavior from a child can occur for many different reasons and not only in children with Autism. Reply. It’s a thing they sometimes do. 44K subscribers in the AutismTranslated community. In this guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about stimming in children with Jun 29, 2024 · Allow Freedom of Expression: Encourage your child to explore different forms of non-autistic stimming that bring them joy and comfort. In case it matters, he's very high functioning. 15. Get app Hand-flapping is one of those self stimulatory behaviors. Stimming can Share your stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. Loud, crowded places. Reply reply More repliesMore repliesMore replies. Stimming behaviors typically involve repetitive sounds or movements. Autism news, information and support. " What exactly does hand flapping do? Typically, stims are for stimulating a sense. An unfamiliar setting or unfamiliar people. Whether it's hand-flapping, rocking, or other repetitive movements, let them express themselves in ways that feel natural to them. All the research I've found was stuff fr parents with children doing it. I've made two posts on this topic and I get messages here and there from people about it. Hand flapping on it’s own for a 1 year old is pretty typical. It includes the repetitive use of an object, such as flicking a rubber band or twirling a piece of string, or repetitive activities involving the senses (such as It's one kind of stimming, so it's not exclusively autistic but correlates. Hand flapping provides proprioceptive input that can help regulate the body when there is something in the environment, or an emotion, that upsets the "balance" of regulation. It would often be linked to his excitement but it was stimulating on its own. When emotions run high, it impacts a child’s nervous system, and it may be escalating in positive and/or negative ways. But knowing Tiffany she will never accept if a Lilly is autistic and won’t seek help. humming to communicate. I came here to ask, is it okay for me to flap my hands? I am a diagnosed autistic since June 2023. I’m making a stim list for an awareness thing, and each stim goes in a group based on the sense it helps with. 337K subscribers in the autism community. The word stimming is a shortened version of describing “self-stimulation. Feb 3, 2011 · It is when it continues, or when it is done with a kind of intensity that it may be an indicator. It is often used to regulate sensory input, relieve stress, express excitement, and decrease anxiety. [deleted] • 2 yr. I will say though, hand flapping was not an indication for us until our son was almost 2 and it was accompanied with several other things: delayed speech. Loves playing peek a boo, loves reading books. I started doing it around 16 when I got panic attacks or anxious or excited and it helped. When I get excited I have a tendency to kind of shake my hand to get all that energy out sort of flap it, I do it when I'm alone because I really know it looks weird. Often the hand flapping can be on the sides or in front of their face, or a child may even take an object like a pen and wave it in front of their face too. It's very discreet, almost unnoticeable. I don't tend to have overwhelmingly positive emotions, so I don't tend to feel a need to happy stim. thrashing my foot around when laying down. -Not sure if it counts, but I howl when stressed, growl at stuff, hiss at things, etc. Wait, the "hand-flapping" thing is related to autism? And some other stuff. My movements are related to handling emotions (happy flapping, bored/excited pacing, etc. I'm also a hand flapper. I hand flap & have hyper mobile knees, elbows and fingers but not wrists. at the minute it’s slapping his chest…as long as it’s not hurting him or anyone else let him be xx Hey u/melancholic_seraph, thank you for your post at r/autism. My cousins boy does this, has since he was a toddler and he is 5 now. -Swaying/rocking slightly. Trying to understand hand/arm flapping more (as a hand/arm flapper) Discussion. Feb 8, 2023 · Stimming is a term for self-stimulatory behavior. It's normal to see some repetitive behaviour in babies because they are seeking sensory input. and I don’t know which one of the 7 senses hand flapping goes in. If your child is doing non autistic stimming when excited, and it’s not related to autism, it’s simply a way for them to fully embrace and enjoy the moment. not like i know any different. I never did it when I was Jan 10, 2024 · Rocking back and forth. I took it upon myself to refer her to EI. Children with autism might engage in hand flapping when they are excited, anxious, or overwhelmed by sensory input. All audiences. Now I am 27, and I still do all that. Make me think hand flapping is an ordinary thing, it just occurs differently in autism. • 7 mo. That's precisely why autism is rarely flagged as a concern before two, and most children with autism aren't diagnosed until 3+ and with ADHD not until 6+. I encourage all stims from both my kids. My ND kid also had sensory issues as an infant. This is a relaxed discussion group, welcoming autistic people, non-autistic people seeking to learn, and people who believe they are or might be autistic. 5. Go to AutisticAdults. never in public though, and im only barely secure enough to do it in front of my partner. Her doctor said she isn't concerned but to continue monitoring. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Everyone stims differently and all stims are ok (unless it’s a physically harmful stim) But stim away!! 2. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) sometimes display repetitive motions or movements, like spinning, jumping, or hand flapping. DS2 would flap because he had to. TOPICS. He's really stiff about it instead of flappy if that makes sense but he does it when he's happy or excited. MembersOnline. It’s just scary when first child had ASD. It continued until he learned to walk and he still gets really excited and does a little happy feet type thing (that started once he got steady on his feet around 19 months). There will be so many autistic signs this young that are normal. Seems uncommon but there's people out there for sure. When I get excited (and am not supressing any stims for social reasons) I jump/stimwalk, and am bouncy and happy, and my hands tend to be clenched and somewhere above my chest Almost doing a flappy hand type thing but with clenched fists, and Involving my whole forearm instead of just the hand Aside from tip- toeing and rare hand flapping when excited (maybe once a day at most) I don't see any other red flags. cloudiedayz. Eating is fine, no issues. Stimming happens in ASD, sensory processing disorder, ADHD, etc. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often flap their hands as a self-stimulatory activity called stimming. If you do not see your post you can message the moderators here. Any help would be appreciated. . For example, I did it very often up until I was 16. It is an instinct. Many do yes, most though get shamed out of it by adulthood if not by teenage years. I also show other signs of autism. When bored or understimulated. While repetitive behaviors (like jumping) can be a part of autism, they are not definitive signs by We’re stim twins! 😁🤣 I sometimes drag out the “yay” when I’m feeling especially happy, as well! Reply. delayed walking. r/AutisticAdults. For and about adults on the autistic spectrum. GhostOfAChild. so mv xy dy en tb ue kq ng iz