9"), will it first compute the edit distance and then see if it is less than whatever 0. Feb 23, 2017 · They will use argot or even textspeak (‘I H8 U 4 UR HCC’). what code i need to write. If this number is greater than BooleanQuery. Use a value closer to 1 for higher similarity. 6. X. I googled for " solr fuzzy search " and I found your question here. It Sep 29, 2016 · With Lucene Query syntax you can boost individual subqueries, for example: term^2 | term~1 - this translates to "find documents that match 'term' OR 'term' with edit distance 1, and score the exact matches higher relative to fuzzy matches by a factor of two. var query = searchCriteria. Currently all terms get appended a * which leads Lucene to perform what I would classify as a StartsWith search. NET 2. Apr 27, 2016 · In Lucene, I can use fuzzy search to get 'similar' results. uk on advanced searches and the search works as expected but now I am trying to extend this. Jan 8, 2024 · 3. Based on the provided solution I have tested it on the following text information: Company name: BlueCross BlueShield Customer Service. Oct 8, 2013 · Boosting records/similarity you are working within the internal Lucene algorithm and results are not sometimes clear. When placed after a quoted phrase, ~ invokes proximity search. Here is a sample query I am running Feb 26, 2021 · Viewed 241 times. Not sure about performance, however but seems to Sep 19, 2015 · Now we use in our application Lucene. Umbraco 7. org Jan 17, 2024 · Example 1: Fielded search. MongoDB now has a feature where you can deploy Apache Lucene indexes to get robust fuzzy search functionality, and other features like synonyms, highlighting and autocomplete. national spelling differences – yoghourt, yogurt and yoghurt. match_phrase_prefix. summary~"windows*" . To do a fuzzy search use the tilde (~) symbol at the end of a single word term with a parameter between 0 and 1 to specify the required similarity. e, "new york~0. Mar 12, 2013 · Hits hits = searcher. In Azure Search, the simple query syntax excludes the fuzzy/slop options. 5? Problem: I have indexed the NGA Geonames gazetteer in a lucene index. The following code. Mar 24, 2011 · Anybody have experience with fuzzy matching with sql server fulltext indexes on names like searching for Bob Thornton would return results like Bobby Thornton? I guess Lucene. Lucene supports fuzzy searches based on Damerau-Levenshtein Distance. 000 items. Apr 24, 2013 · My Search method is below (currently returning phrase matches but the mispelt ones): -. Lucene is an open-source indexing and search engine library, and the default implementation used by Hibernate Search. When you do this you'll get tokens with a small edit distance, and the fuzzy search should work as you want it to. After indexing is complete, build a query that uses a filter and a geo Lucene fuzzy search on entire text. apache. I'm not really clear on how FuzzyMinSim is mapped to a maximum edit distance, as when the StandardQueryParser generates a FuzzyQuery. 7f); The float value of 0. Core Concepts. UPDATED. Net platform. Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at . ture is matched in that fuzzy search. 7) It seems that Lucene's incredibly fast Levenshtein automata does not accept edit distance limits above 2 (I need May 23, 2024 · In Azure AI Search, you can implement geospatial search by following these steps: Define a filterable field of one of these types: Edm. match_bool_prefix. Apr 13, 2016 · This is a tutorial video on implementing fuzzy search using Apache Lucene in a Java console program Search for fuzzy matching. Time :78ms. Each entity contains 27 searchable field, which added to index in this way: new Field (key, value, Field. Here's an example of a query request that invokes fuzzy search. Lucene is widely used as a standard foundation for production search applications. To do a fuzzy search use the tilde, "~", symbol at the end of a Single word Term. However, wildcard, fuzzy, regex, etc. E. The current implementation of FuzzyQuery is a huge improvement on performance from the Lucene 3. If you desire to restrict the fuzziness a little bit you can add a percentage in Jan 9, 2017 · 0. Also, don't try to analyze the query yourself (that's what you did by splitting the query into terms): Lucene will do it much better (with a WhitespaceTokenizerFactory, an ASCIIFoldingFilterFactory and a To find content where count is greater than or equal to 5: the KQL syntax is count:>=5, while the Lucene syntax is count:[5 TO *]. Jan 15, 2010 · I would like to search a Lucene index with edit distances. I need to fuzzy query one field (the place name) but constrain the query to records that have a specific country code. I am aware of possible usage of Lucene and Solr, but is there any simple Java library that is just doing the fuzzy full text search part like e. For example to search for a term similar in spelling to "roam" use the fuzzy search: roam~ This search will find terms like foam and roams. If it is a very small database, you could load all the data at once and use an algorithm like Jaro-Winkler for your search. Warning: this query is not very scalable with its default prefix length of 0 - in this case, *every* term will be enumerated and cause an edit score calculation. So, for me something worked, when I specified the query via HTTP as following - search=fieldName:smallp~&queryType=full and I was able to find documents containing term - the term to search for maxEdits - must be >= 0 and = LevenshteinAutomata. This code is much more flexible and extensible than the Lucene query parser in 2. 9. var line = "Samsung Galaxy S7 tablet"; Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer Nov 29, 2019 · At the time of writing, this is still in beta and we’re using the 4. My code is. In nearly all places in Kibana, where you can provide a query you can see which one is used by the label on the right of the search box. It is supported by the Apache Software Foundation and is released under the Apache Software License. Net 3. (Unfortunately, I cannot control the Lucene version that OpenCms depends on. This issue will be solved with Lucene version 4. FuzzyLikeThisQuery Class Reference Fuzzifies ALL terms provided as strings and then picks the best n differentiating terms. In a nutshell, it works. e. In effect this mixes the behaviour of FuzzyQuery and MoreLikeThis but with special consideration of fuzzy scoring factors. Example 2: Fuzzy search. That way you'll get "summer time" as a single token, as well as "summer" and "time" (unless you disable outputUnigrams ). stem). Not all applications need real-time search, but the type of application Oct 24, 2017 · Original answer for Hibernate Search 5. To explain each of those queries: bieten - Simple term query. Query query = new FuzzyQuery(new Term("ContentText", searchString)); Mar 29, 2018 · How to properly use FuzzyQuery in this case in order to be able to do the fuzzy search for multi-word phrases. For example, the above search would be submitted to Lucene as “hubble~ space~ telescope~”. Open(new DirectoryInfo(path)); Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Mar 4, 2016 · It splits the text into single-word terms. 7 Lucene iterates over all terms in index and calculates the (Levenshtein) edit distance between "Califrna" and all terms. Oct 22, 2023 · Lucene Core is an opensource search library written in Java and it is well known and widely used thanks to the variety of features for performing searches and its outstanding performance. When constructing queries for Azure AI Search, you can replace the default simple query parser with the more powerful Lucene query parser to formulate specialized and advanced query expressions. To find content where account_number is greater than or equal to 100, but less than 200: the KQL syntax is account_number:>=100 and account_number:<200, while the Lucene syntax is account_number:[100 TO 200}. ComplexPhraseQueryParser handles fuzzy searching on phrase words - i. net? It is a port of the Java Lucene search engine API to the . Search for the given word. We’ll start by adding the core of Lucene. Sep 28, 2013 · I am using Lucene here for primary filtering and later will post-process matched documents with input data and define match score (using levenshtein), and it should also work for fuzzy. Search(booleanQuery); The second way is to use MultiFieldQueryParser, this behaves like QueryParser, allowing access to all the power that it has, except that it will search over multiple fields. 7f is the minimum similarity. if you're using Lucene query syntax. But the data came like based on text matching like venture, culture and etc. Compile(); The optional value you pass into Fuzzy between 0 and 1 specifies how Fuzzy or how close the match is to the original. For example, following query: text:awesome~0. However, Lucene syntax is not able to search nested objects or scripted fields. 1. parse("some test~ query~ blah blah"); Seems to work nicely. Facing serious issues with advanced search features, like 'fuzzy search' and 'wildcard search'. AWs Cloudsearch Complex filtering. Lucene is a programmable search engine, Fuzzy searches. . Net. 500. 0-beta00006. Extending Umbraco and using the API. I have done Fuzzy search in lucene. It can also be done in quick search and basic search when searching on supported fields. "*bieten*" - Again, phrase query. GeographyPolygon). IndexReader reader = IndexReader. This writeup is also necessitated by the fact that none of the If your application runs successfully, it will print the following message in Eclipse IDE's console −. At least, that is, until it doesn't work, or doesn't work as one would expect it to work. 3) Gather all matching documents (this will have lot of Nov 28, 2010 · I would like to use Lucene's fuzzy search, which I understand is based on some sort of Levenshtein-like algorithm. Thank you in advance. The similarity measurement is based on the Damerau-Levenshtein (optimal string alignment) algorithm, though you can explicitly choose classic Levenshtein by passing false to the transpositions parameter. Net --version 4. , specify the words that should be fuzzy searched and those that should not. a search for cars is translated into car OR cars. 8 Will find the documents having 80% similar texts, like 'awesom'. This allows for faster search responses, as it searches through an index, instead of searching through text directly. I know exactly nothing about the Dutch language, but I strongly suspect that the problem is stemming. Simply put, Lucene uses an “ inverted indexing ” of data – instead of mapping pages to keywords, it maps keywords to pages just like a glossary at the end of any book. You can use a ShingleFilter to make Solr combine multiple tokens into one, with a user define separator. Here my code : throw new ArgumentException("none"); FSDirectory dir = FSDirectory. Class Fuzzy Query. MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_DISTANCE. Query query = new ComplexPhraseQueryParser("content", analyzer) . 2) second time the phrase "Audi BMW ECU" should be search against title,description,url fields. "bieten" - Phrase query. Actually the version 4. : SomeScore score = fuzzyFullTextSearch(String text, String searchTerm, int maxDistance) where ''score'' determines the measure, how frequent the (fuzzy) searchTerm was found and how similar it was Nov 21, 2015 · In this scenario you can however (assuming you have access to a good dictionary) look up the search term and expand the search programmatically to search for all forms of the word. Index. Using Lucene. apache . 7) Note that quantifying fuzzyness by a float number is deprecated. Search by 4-27 fields using exact search. 2 also, but both behave identical). For example, to combine synonyms with fuzzy search you would need to have query like this: search=light~1|light. Search. ANALYZED)) Now we have two search options: Search only by 4 fields using fuzzy search. Performance: I have done queries like this using Lucene 3. Oct 29, 2023 · Capabilities: Supports basic text searches, including single and multiple term searches, as well as wildcard and fuzzy searches. Viewed 351 times. Jun 21, 2013 · To do a fuzzy search use the tilde, "~", symbol at the end of a Single word Term. My question is, can I use fuzzy search on entire text (multiple words)? For example, I want to find out 80% similar texts to following text: this is my text with multiple words Aug 19, 2013 · FuzzyQuery has been significantly changed in Lucene version 4. It is a technology suitable for nearly any application that requires full-text search, especially cross-platform. Jul 5, 2012 · 1) fist time i want that each word like [Audi] [BMW] [ECU] should be search against for the fields i index like title,description,url . Feb 11, 2014 · 3. Eg mound could actually be sound. Site: 1 2. Feb 19, 2022 · Fuzzy search with Cloudant / Lucene turns up no results. ) Mar 6, 2014 · How to combine an exact match in one field AND a fuzzy search in another in lucene 4. This new query parser was designed to have very generic architecture, so that it can be easily used for different products with varying query syntaxes. Currently using Standard Lucene Analyzer on my indexed field. Jan 4, 2021 · KQL (Kibana Query Language) is a query language available in Kibana, that will be handled by Kibana and converted into Elasticsearch Query DSL. If I use a fairly high threshold (i. <familyName>Doe</familyName>. Jun 17, 2021 · Fuzzy searches discover terms that are similar to a specified term without necessarily being an exact match. 2) Search input free text data with Tri-Gram indexes. System return results for search query ' terminate ', results contain: terminate, termination, terminates, and etc. This is a question for Azure Cognitive Search team. Dec 17, 2009 · 4. Open(new DirectoryInfo(_indexFileLocation)); Apr 30, 2015 · 2. org. We use. Sep 19, 2023 · Text searches can be done in the advanced search when the CONTAINS (~) operator is used, e. 0 (trunk) release, but the awesome speedup to FuzzyQuery really stands out, not only from its incredible gains but also because of the amazing behind-the-scenes story of how it all came to be. 8)). edited Aug 30, 2012 at 15:15. I know that Lucene supports fuzzy searches (FIRST_NAME:john~) and takes a number between 0 and 1 to control the fuzziness. GetFuzzyQuery("fieldName", "featured", 0. To perform a fuzzy search, use the tilde ~ symbol at the end of a single-word term. Store. The search we are using is fuzzy search, and the query is in following form. It includes four terms, two of which are misspelled: The default full-text query, which can be used for fuzzy matching and phrase or proximity searches. In my opinion its not much recommend to use Lucene in-built fuzzy for name matching as it will not properly work for lengthy names (as its <2 distance per term) and its slower as it uses Nov 28, 2011 · Fuzzy gives you the ability to get Lucene to look for terms that look like your term. I played around with it a year or so ago, so don't take my suggestion as based on tons of experience. 2. x implementation, but only supports two edits. I am trying to get Lucene results by Title first exact, then Title wildcard, then Title fuzzy, then by FieldX wildcard, then by FieldX fuzzy, but results are not in expected order (fuzzy results are Implements the fuzzy search query. In the future we would like to have a search that performs something like a Contains rather than a StartsWith. Indexing. Fuzzy Search - Examine Lucene. Exact approach, 1) Index documents as Tri-Grams. The DutchAnalyzer, as with most language specific analyzers, includes a stemmer, in order to match alternate forms of words with the same root word (ie. Fuzzy Searches. Full Lucene Query Syntax Apr 14, 2013 · The search itself works already but we now want to implement a modification. Fields("nodeName","hello". 3 to index and search by ~2. 1 (I have tested the 3. var luceneDir = FSDirectory. In this if i searched Feature, the Feature, Featured, featuring only should come. Works as follows. GeographyPoint, Collection (Edm. This is a very expensive operation. The main functionality of Lucene is to search the data added previously. getMaxClauseCount() when the query is rewritten, then the maxClauseCount will be used Dec 27, 2022 · To do a fuzzy search in Lucene, use the tilde, "~", symbol at the end of a Single word Term. Example 3: Proximity search. Feb 18, 2015 · Lucene 4. Dec 21, 2018 · 3. Imho it works really well. In this case the phrase is one term long, and so the same as a term query. Distances greater than 2 Damerau–Levenshtein edits are considered to rarely be really useful. or. That library offers a lot of search functionality. Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions Sorted by: Reset to default Dec 7, 2013 · 1. Similar to the match query but matches a whole phrase up to a configurable slop. 2. Samples: but: We want the first and Jan 3, 2013 · Lucene. The new query parser goal is to separate syntax and semantics of a query. queryType=full&search=light OR light~1. How can i make it work? I tried use GetFuzzyQuery but nothing happens. Internally, lucene converts converts the float number to an int between Jun 1, 2015 · Here is an example of the Lucene queries I have tried (for each single signature -- twice per hash and using the case-sensitive KeywordAnalyzer): (blk1:768 AND sig1:wemfOGxqCfOTPi0ND~0. 4. Have you taken a look at Lucene. Mar 23, 2019 · We will use Java and lucene package to try to simulate wee little bit of what Google does, using common First names of individuals. GeographyPoint, Edm. May 21, 2020 · 1. community wiki. 0 of SOLR is capable of fuzzy search with a easy query syntax. You can tweak this number until you get the desired results. Jun 9, 2017 · Solr’s standard query parser supports fuzzy searches based on the Damerau-Levenshtein Distance or Edit Distance algorithm. When placed at the end of a term, ~ invokes fuzzy search. See full list on lucene. Asked3 years, 7 months ago. Perform the below steps in order to implement this: Open the project in Visual Studio. <firstName>John</firstName>. They have an implementation in PHP, which you can find here. getMaxClauseCount() when the query is rewritten, then the maxClauseCount will be used Feb 19, 2010 · 1. Since in one single query term Solr can either process a word distance restraint or a fuzzy search restraint, we will need two terms for this: names_txt:("markus foss"~2) AND names_txt:(markus~0. As i see is not supported. The problem is that search orders results rather strange. NET and the analyzer package to Search. Implements the fuzzy search query. Lucene scoring is the heart of why we all love Lucene. public IEnumerable<DocumentWrapper> Search(List<string> fieldsToSearch, List<string> phrases, string path) {. For example, say, there is a document with a field FIRST_NAME; I want all documents with first names that are 1 edit distance away from, say, 'john'. Aug 31, 2012 · Lucene fuzzy search on entire text. The main reason to use the Lucene query syntax in Kibana is for advanced Lucene features, such as regular expressions or fuzzy term matching. 0-beta00006 dotnet add package Lucene. Apache Lucene is a free and open-source search engine software library, originally written in Java by Doug Cutting. Load 7 more related Website. Lucene can search for similar terms: integer~ will match on integer, integers, and intejer. 9 corresponds to, or will it cut off the algorithm if it becomes apparent that the document Mar 28, 2018 · I'd like to do something like fuzzy search over the scanned document in order to try to find company name from the list there. The winner will be the company name with the highest score matching. Take a look at an example implementation here. Not a wildcard query in any way. The LuceneSearchService should be extended and a custom search service should be created to add "~" to the search terms. To use the Lucene syntax, open the Saved query menu, and then select Language: KQL > Lucene. </name>. Much of the information on this page is Jun 21, 2013 · To do a fuzzy search use the tilde, "~", symbol at the end of a Single word Term. lucene . Usage Scenario: Ideal for straightforward search requirements where speed and simplicity are prioritized. Analyze and find the given multi-term phrase. Show 4 more. The number cannot be more than 1. For example you can search for name:peter strict or with the tilde symbol name:peter~ as a fuzzy search. We could also use different implementations such as ElasticSearch or OpenSearch. Common --version 4. There is no guarantee that the exact match will Jan 4, 2024 · The query can be defined using a QueryParser, which can handle complex queries and supports a variety of query types such as Boolean queries, phrase queries, and wildcard queries. Then we are left digging into Lucene internals or asking for help on java-user Jan 3, 2013 · Lucene. FuzzyQuery matches terms "close" to a term - the term to search for maxEdits - must be >= 0 and = LevenshteinAutomata. Fuzzy(0. this query uses Multi Term Query. If you want to use full Lucene syntax you need to specify parameter queryType and set a value to full. We use exist-db base for storing various xml documents, on which we perform searches using xquery. Feb 16, 2024 · How to invoke fuzzy search. I think I can use Apache Lucene functionality for this purpose. Open("<lucene dir>"); Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader); Analyzer analyzer = new Apr 9, 2022 · We are using hibernate search 6 which is the most recent version to date, with Lucene as the backend. The Lucene parser supports complex query formats, such as Feb 22, 2024 · For example, in Lucene full syntax, the tilde (~) is used for both fuzzy search and proximity search. For example, to search for a term similar in spelling to "roam," use the fuzzy search: roam~ This search will match terms like roams, foam, & foams. g. Aug 7, 2013 · 1. 7) OR (blk2:768 AND sig2:wemfOGxqCfOTPi0ND~0. It is blazingly fast and it hides almost all of the complexity from the user. Alfresco supports fuzzy searches based on the Lucene default Levenshtein Distance. co. Real-time search is kind of a fuzzy concept, but basically it means dropping the time a modification to an index takes to be seen by users to a near negligible quantity – or a small enough time difference to be acceptable for a given real-time application. Net and Solr could be used for this as well but nice to do it all in the database. Fuzzy Query does slow things down, but as stated before that can Apr 10, 2009 · April 10, 2009. This is example of xml document: <name>. The search results can be further refined using filters and sorting. Mar 26, 2014 · I user LUCENE_30 for my search engine but i cannot make fuzzy search. 9 an additional (optional) parameter can specify the required similarity. x. Starting with Lucene 1. Note that if one of the non-Fuzzy settings is chosen the user can still input a fuzzy search by appending the tildes himself in the search string. Verify the incoming documents include the appropriate coordinates. Fuzzy queries are constructed using the full Lucene query syntax, invoking the full Lucene query parser, and appending a tilde character ~ after each whole term entered by the user. Fuzzy searches discover terms that are similar to a specified term without necessarily being an exact match. 0 is there some kind of built-in support for joining the results of two different queries that target the same index, similar to the support for targeting two or more indexes with a single query? I'm looking for ways to support both trailing wildcard and fuzzy searches without forcing users to choose one or the other. Jun 21, 2013 · Introduction. 1-800-521-2227. The similarity measurement is based on the Levenshtein (edit distance) algorithm. Lucene is a query language directly handled by Elasticsearch. Creates a Boolean query that matches all terms in any position, treating the last term as a prefix. 3. Modified 3 years, 7 months ago. 0f. Jul 19, 2013 · large edit distances are no longer supported by FuzzyQuery in Lucene 4. queries are not analyzed. 0 Apache Lucene and fuzzy search in text document by list of candidate words. Net 2. Short answer: don't use wildcard queries, use a custom analyzer with an EdgeNGramFilterFactory. I'm trying to implement a fuzzy search which takes a string like "Samsung Galaxy S7 tablet" and searches across multiple fields (Category, Brand, Model), but I'm unable to set the sensitivity of the fuzzy query. I've been following the tutorial from codeshare. 7 foss~0. 2 revs, 2 users 71%. Limitations: Lacks the advanced features and precision of Full Lucene Query Syntax. x on indexes with > 100M records NOT IN MEMORY and it works pretty quickly giving sub-second responses. Oct 29, 2010 · I have tried this myself for a considerable period and looked everywhere around the net - but have been unable to find ANY examples of Fuzzy Phrase searching via Lucene. I have been trying to get my search box to allow for Fuzzy search but I think I must be missing something somewhere. Sep 17, 2013 · Next you will get a Fuzzy query from the parser like this: var query = parser. This has been applied successfully for my language in at least one search engine, but is obviously non-trivial 1. Class Fuzzy. 0-beta00006 release. The number there after the '~' is a maximum edit distance, not a minimum similarity. NET runtime users. 111 /// <summary> Returns the non-fuzzy prefix length Jun 5, 2012 · When you search for Califrna~0. Within a term, such as business~analyst, the character isn't evaluated as an operator. each word should search against 3 field called title,description,url. Lucene - FuzzyQuery - FuzzyQuery is used to search documents using fuzzy implementation that is an approximate search based on the edit distance algorithm. x fuzzy will match on edit distance 2 or less per term and your use case is having distance greater then 2 per term (John and Johnnie is distance 3). Jul 2, 2013 · In Java code, this involves appending a tilde character (~) to the end of each term entered by the user. 10 documents found. In short, your “fuzzy search” algorithm ought to be able to cope with a lot of creative ways to search for the same thing, for example: dialect differences – crayfish, crawfish, écrevisse, crawdads, yabbies. Oct 23, 2020 · Lucene query with same term exact, wildcard and fuzzy match. 0. 8. There are many exciting improvements in Lucene's eventual 4. I know that that search uses the same algorithm, and it can find 'Nintedno' very well. CloudSearch fuzzy matching of whole string doesn't work. prefixLength - length of common (non-fuzzy) prefix maxExpansions - the maximum number of terms to match. IndexReader. Query. Sep 27, 2013 · To try to narrow the problem, I wrote some code directly exercising Lucene 3. 1. search=blue^2|blue~1&queryType=full. match_phrase. Jul 17, 2016 · This is an updated answer that comes on the heels of a new product in MongoDB that was not released at the time of the original post. I saw it in the book Windows Developer Power Tools and took it for a test drive. Notice that Lucene 4+ has a slightly different API and a different fuzzy search, that is, in Lucene 4+ this problem doesn't arise. dotnet add package Lucene. YES, Field. Acknowledgments: Jira uses Apache Lucene for text indexing, which provides a rich query language. Sep 13, 2017 · 2. ( C# ) Is someth Jan 7, 2019 · If you need to do a single query that applies synonym expansion and wildcard, regex, or fuzzy searches, you can combine the queries using the OR syntax. Defining the data model Apr 11, 2012 · To do a fuzzy search use the tilde, "~", symbol at the end of a Single word Term. Dec 24, 2012 · To do a fuzzy search use the tilde, "~", symbol at the end of a Single word Term. May 17, 2017 · Below is a sample output from one of my simple Java programs that I illustrate here, Lets say three Indexed Docs have a field with values like - "123456787" , "123456788" , "123456789" ( Appended 7 , 8 and 9 to – 12345678 ) Results : No Hits Found for search string -> 123456 ( Edit distance = 3 , last 3 digits are missing) Dec 11, 2012 · 5. Nov 29, 2008 · Apache Lucene (TM) is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java. 0. so what i need to do. Mar 24, 2011 · Lucene's FuzzyQuery is 100 times faster in 4. Analysis. cl qj wo lv fo kj zx ed ua ez