He ghosted me but still follows me

So I unadded him after weeks of silence but he still follows and even watches my Instagram stories. I definitely will. Earlier this month, this ghoster requests to follow me on instagram. May 3, 2018 · The Ghosters Who Still Watch Your Insta Stories. Maybe your partner was hoping that you'd assume things were over and move on by ghosting you. Unfortunately, even if you think you guys have a fun, casual thing going on and there isn't any pressure to enter a relationship, he may still ghost you. Me(f22) him(m24) Basically this guy I was talking to daily for a month ghosted me even though he was very interested in me, we had so much in common and similar life goals and even looking back there weren’t any glaring red flags. They do this so they can spin the block later on for sex or attention. 2, 2016. Still, sometimes it is also an indication that the guy himself wants attention. Why does a guy who ghosted me continue to watch all …. 7. As a result, he conveniently ghosted you. Anonymous. He wants to know that your heart still skips a beat when he’s around, so really, it’s not about you at all. Aug 2, 2016 · Yes, There Is Meaning Behind Your Ex Still Following You On Snapchat. Welcome to being on their back-burner. Jun 16, 2017 · 2. This regular interaction, discussing your day and planning I Have Decoded the Reasons! Megha Chanda. com Aug 30, 2023 · 5. And yes, it caused me trauma (short real depression and numbness but long long anxiety and sadness). He wants you to be talking about him with your colleagues and close friends. I wouldn't give him access to me. I think it’s a form of breadcrumbing or orbiting. After ghosting, they may have realized that they missed the connection and support you provided. I guess my situation is sort of unique. Still, 3 days is a tricky amount of time. on the second day (March 31st), he sent me a meme of a running Apple with a cat’s face on it that had texts that read “he’s on his way to tell you to stfu” like girl. It’s hurting my feelings that someone can go from talking to me every single day to just watching my stories, I’ll feel better when I block. Jun 13, 2021 · Being ghosted on Instagram can come in several forms. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Ghosting is defined as ending a relationship by suddenly cutting off all communication with the other person. The good news: it was one date and you can move on. We all ghost because we are afraid of telling a perfectly good person that we want to keep searching. My ex of 1. Ghosting refers to the act of abruptly cutting off all communication with someone, often without any explanation or closure. When he likes all your social media posts, it mostly means that he wants to give you attention. If you take the hint, they're hoping that they don't have to deal with the messiness of having a breakup In the age of unprecedented digital interconnectedness, relationships have taken on new dynamics and complexities. I have an app called story saver where I view them. r/ghosting. Move on bro. 3. It's okay to move on. Brittany*, 25, was ghosted by her ex-boyfriend. He has explained that he is overworked at his two jobs. I was getting attached to him cause we texted daily for 8 month i guess. They usually amount to nothing. (30-35) +1 y. If you guys are able to work out your differences then fine refollow them on social media. He probably is still into you, but maybe he wants to seem aloof. This is a basic human fear everyone can relate to. I haven’t had the guts to unfollow/block him…idk if it’s me waiting to find some sort of answer or what. 5% chance) or “thinking about it” (. ghosted again). He wants the attention. We dated a lot, we had a good time together . I'm sorry you had to deal with that, the best thing to do right now is to move on and heal. This is not nearly as glamorous as it sounds and usually involves scraping by on a diet of muesli and cheap wine. Honestly I can say I dodged a bullet on this one because she was crazy and deserves to be stuck in the hinge zone. 560 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. He also will like their posts. I've been ghosted before so I don't want to waste my time waiting for her to message me again, keep ignoring him and don't waste your time with him anymore. One day, you find that they complete stop messaging you or leaving comments. So I got ghosted last week after going on a first date with this woman I had been talking to for months. But they still, always watch my stories and like my posts. But I miss him. Picture the scene: It is approximately 11. It really hurt, damaged my mental health, and took me several months to get over. Apr 10, 2017 · Apparently, it doesn't just happen with guys you're casually dating either. Nov 21, 2023 · Alex, 31. ADMIN MOD. Especially because it feels like the rug just got pulled out from under you. by Sheena Sharma. At the wine bar, he told me his reason for ghosting me was, in part, because he didn't expect to meet someone "like me Mine is the other way around. This guy should not be on a pedestal in your mind in any way. Long response time. The other possibility is that someone who you may have been following has deleted you from their followers list. Libra men are known to be aloof and indecisive. Her best friend whom I requested to follow back then didn't accept. Like, you literally ghosted me days later! Edit: I didn’t cut him off until after 5 days of no answer. Or less keen. Then, read it again. But don’t let them come back - they will always Well, the fact he didn't tell you upfront that he's not interested in a long term relationship with you is kinda fucked up, but the fact he ghosted you after you ghosted him for a month isn't particularly unexpected - he probably realized that this isn't good for you or him and decided to end it. Best thing to do if you like her… like a couple of her posts back. Apr 14, 2022 · This, unfortunately, is the brutal aftermath of a girl who’s been ghosted. See full list on ghostinghelp. I accept, telling myself I'll just figure out Of course he still could have deleted the chat. It's just funny cause we spoke about honesty and how immature ghosting is. I tried texting him but he May 18, 2023 · He ghosted you before, so learn how to cut him off at the pass before he ghosts you again. It’s been a week or so of limited communication. You may have been casually messaging this person on DMs or commenting on each other’s posts. A first date is just that. Man Repeller / Via manrepeller. Either way, rise above him and don't seem too needy or over-interested. why is he still following me and watch my stories on instagram if he ghosted? I thought it could become a serious relationship. But keep his number just in case, maybe you can put his number in a journal. On the other hand, a ghoster could come back if they miss you. Jun 2, 2021 · If the point of ghosting was to avoid a clash, then “say goodbye to the cowards,” Owen says. by Giulia Simolo Jul 6, 2019. Intimacy Withdrawal. 2. They still may view your stories. He didn’t block me or sth like that and still follows me on Instagram. He ghosted me. Let the ghoster knows she fucks with the wrong person. Esp other females who may understand my ex date better haha. They hate being alone, so they often seek the company of others. Ghosting is breaking off a relationship by ceasing all communication & contact with a partner without any warning or justification and ignoring the partner's attempts to reach out and communicate. I confronted him, he said everything is fine and I was still his close friend. Oct 6, 2023 · Ghosted but Still Connected: Examining the Psychology Behind Not Deleting Me In the age of digital communication, the phenomenon of being "ghosted" has become increasingly common. => Read Now. Why do I do it? View his stories when he's no longer interested just to learn more we weren't together that long and I guess to learn maybe more about his family that I thought at this point in time I would have met a few times. Maybe I should have been more fun or more attentive, or less available or dressed up more. No one wants to be left behind, particularly without any explanation. Getting ghosted is never easy, but this experience in particular really drove me crazy. I’d been seeing a handsome British guy named Paul for four months. He mentioned at that time he was in a bad mood several times. Some guys are cripplingly insecure and terrified of rejection. For a background I was ghosted. We’d met on a dating app and been on multiple dates. I ended up blocking her anyway. You're trying too hard. anyways then he went back to disappearing again. Which is what I advise you to do, unfollow him and if you want you should probably block him. It's not usually because they found someone else, but because they're either childish or trying to do No Contact. 9 mo. Response time in texting is a good indicator as to how highly you rank on someone’s list of priorities. . But 2 weeks later he still follows me and views my Feb 25, 2019 · Ghosting can be failing to respond to a text exchange with someone you’ve never met, cutting off contact with someone you’ve dated a few times, or even refusing to return someone’s calls Got ghosted after 3 months of taking. Then one day he suddenly started ignoring me, ignored my texts, left me on seen. For example, someone may take much longer to respond due to being busy at work. It is long enough it is weird, but not long enough to can conclusively call it anything. This is the text you send when you really felt a serious connection—maybe the two of you even exchanged exclamations of almost love!—and are shocked about the ghosting. If things fall through with the next person or if they go through a dry spell, they will reach out to you. ghosted, 2. Now’s the perfect time to say! Option 3: Or, you can be polite but firm. i don’t know if i should wait longer, or if i’m being pathetic for hoping he’ll respond. Dec 3, 2019 · Ghosting in texting Sign 1. InternationalSyrup83. Aug 20, 2023 · The guy who crazily “likes” all your social media posts might be seen as wanting to shower you with attention, but it’s possibly all about him. Sorry if it's a bit long I'm not too sure how reddit works, I'm quite new here, just wanted to hear what y'all think. Try not to make assumptions on their intentions. Even though they were broken up, they would still stay in touch, and he'd May 1, 2018 · Writer Anna Iovine seems to have coined the term back in April after a guy she was dating quit texting her back but still watched her Insta and Snapchat stories. The only thing to do here is to leave it in the past and move on with your life. But he stopped talking. It was fun while it lasted. However she was still following me on IG but was no longer following my stories. iStock/Saliuk Petro. You’d see this too if you weren’t so wrapped up in the idea of trying to win over this exciting new person…. Ghosters may come back because they crave the emotional validation that they once received from you. One such phenomenon is the perplexing Mar 1, 2022 · 1. 5% chance) Ouch. Its infuriating because it happened with me as well. If you The fact is that a guy can seem totally obsessed with you, and then - seemingly out of nowhere - he disappears and stops responding to texts or calls. They're seeking emotional validation. Marriage therapist Nicole Richardson says she’s seen people who throwaway :) Over a year ago now, I was ghosted by a guy I really liked. More than likely, it means that he is weak and has self obsessive behaviors. You were always a fling for him. Maybe I could have seemed keener. Odds are he'll still ghost😂 This has happened to me several times. There was no explanation and I never would have expected it. If they've never been good at confrontation or breaking up with people, this could be their solution. Reason # 2: You Were Never a Part of His Big Picture. If he starts hanging out with a new "friend" at the same time that he stops messaging or 1. Just move on he is the one who ghosted you. Anyone know the reason for that? I thought for sure that she would be the first one to unfollow me. May 20, 2024 · Leopold suggests you don’t forget about finding meaning and purpose. I’ve (28F) seen a 28M for about a month. Don’t take it to the heart, there must be a context in his mind and realized that he don’t like you the way he likes you before. He Believes You're Not Into Him. So that you don't have that loss feeling It's an ambiguous loss. Right After she ghosted me, her friend started following me and started viewing my post/stories even reacting to then. Maybe he saw that there was no way ahead in your relationship without commitment. He is Seeking Attention. I dunno, I just really get the vibe he’s in the process of ghosting if you know what I mean. Update: I removed her from my followers :) thanks guys, I really do appreciate it. I If for whatever reason this person contacts you and apologizes for ghosting you maybe re-establish contact. This type of ghosting is a symptom of miscommunication, and you can sometimes remedy it. Dec 28, 2019 · 1. Watches my Instagram stories but doesn’t reach out. Mar 5, 2023 · Many Mumsnetters experiencing domestic abuse have found this thread helpful: Listen up, everybody. If you use texting apps remove him from your contacts so that he can't see your profile picture. little argument and it was the end and 3. When people break up and they don't want to talk to you, it's usually them. Playing games, I wouldn't waste time with someone like that. We’re all busy people. Interestingly, humans are often prone to idealizing memories by only remembering the positive parts. PS. The audacity I tell you! 26. Jan 28, 2024 · We were on and off 3 times in 3 years (1. “Because they want to see if they made a mistake ghosting you or if they can dip back in for a quick smash. I keep going over whether I should have done more. Option 2: You can call him out on it when he tries to make a reappearance. X didn’t respond. I’ve made a few attempts to initiate conversation and he’s responded, but it’s different from how it was before I came back from vacation. He’d met my friends, I’d met his and our “relationship” had even developed into regular weeknight sleepovers. Keeping their options open. Jul 16, 2021 · Take Time To Read The Message. You can find her at www. get used to such. You were not dating, you were talking and getting to know each - Guy's Behavior Question Master Age: 32 , mho 40%. Which is fine because I didn’t have that deep of a connection to any of them. So I always view an ex watching your Snapchat or Instagram stories as normal behavior, since it is a normal behavior. The more complicated reason is that you haven’t asked her yet and you really should have a conversation with her about it. All my exes follow me on Snapchat. If they’ve got a lot going on in their life and are dating or talking to a few potential love interests at once, you might have just slipped through the cracks. I dated a man for 2 months, he was actually the one who initiated everything, was really available and always there, cared about my details and made plans for the future to visit places, then suddenly we were supposed to go out together and he disappeared and never apologized…. Were you sexually involved with him? Oct 27, 2023 · For the most part, if a woman ghosts you, it probably has something to do with either you not being her type, or you failing to display enough value to make a positive impact. 9. This is a kind of a spit on the face. 04am on a Sunday and you have We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I’ve been wondering the same. But he still follows my Instagram and likes everything I’m not sure what your question is? He hasn’t really done anything wrong. “I think we need to separate the ghosting from the story watching. I called him May 19, 2024 · Some ghosters come back because they want favors or emotional support. It’s happening to me as well. Sep 28, 2023 · 6. Beware: This is a vulnerable text and you may not like the reply (or lack thereof). He wants you to talk about him to his friends. He's suddenly spending a lot of time with a new girl. The second reason your ex might be viewing your social media is due to a phenomenon known as “intimacy withdrawal”. She clearly knows that I'm hurt and i wanna keep it that way. He suggested they meet at a dive bar in Brooklyn—even though it was a Wednesday, and Aug 28, 2019 · He left my house saying he’d be back in a few hours—then never returned. photographed by Eylul Aslan. 2 months after he ghosted me, he interacted with my story by clicking on an answer of a question that i asked. He idealized their relationship after the breakup. But if you only unfollow or unfriend, they can still see your page and/or contact you, which can relapse your healing. There’s just no connection. If you block, they can’t contact you. They’re busy. He is still the first one (!!) to watch every damn instagram story (okay maybe not the first one every single… Advertisement Nov 22, 2019 · People read way too much into this and it doesn’t always have to mean something. For some people, this Nov 25, 2023 · Don't take non-acknowledgment of your presence as a definite sign of rejection. They eventually just stopped talking to me or ghosted me completely. That last time when he ghosted me in the end really hit me hard because I was so happy about us and sure we will make it that time. He told me " that is Understandable" and so we stopped talking but I missed him so i stupidly reached out again and told him I missed him and he told me he missed me too. – Quora. Like, it's obvious that he doesn't want anything with me. com Yes, he has ghosted me but still following family & friends on social media. Apr 9, 2020 · He is ghosting me: 4 solutions! Get ready to feel that sweet sense of satisfaction when the lightbulb goes off in this guy’s head and he realizes that he’s making a big mistake in letting you go. This text will work but only if he’s actually into you. There Are Still People Out There Who Think Tinder Is Filled With Weirdos. i don’t even know if he read the He was really nice to me and worried about me quiet lot. There’s some guys that I’ve met when I was bored in dating apps and they follow my Instagram. He told me how lucky he felt to have found me, then he was gone. He misses the relationship and/or the sex. when i told him, he wasn’t active for the rest of the day, but the following day, he was active again. In this scenario, he’s realized that there’s no spark between the two of you. I actually feared he might be dead. Something like, 'I might have ghosted you but at least I am watching your stories so please don't discard me completely if and when I choose to return'. After all, you don’t owe him anything after the way he treated you. anyways, he views my Instagram stories like every 1-3 days. he’s continued to be active. “Studies show focusing on meaning and purpose increases oxytocin, our 'feel good' hormone, which increases feelings of connection and improves mood. It’s really weird. he still hasn’t, and it’s been a little over a week. 1. Jul 6, 2019 · He Seemed Crazy About Me, Then Ghosted Me Out Of Nowhere. Aug 2, 2017 · If you're spending time on a guy whose affection and intentions are questionable, then it's already time for you to move on. He said he cannot let people close to him, he has built a wall around himself. Essentially, they were used to constant contact with you, either physically or through calls and texts if it was a long-distance relationship. But he started to open up to me, wanted to spend time,l together, he loved hearing me talk and read stuff in his language, he wanted to go on a road trip, he even said he wanted to buy me a gift for my birthday, and he’s never wanted to buy anything for anyone. When you figure out where the conversation may have gone wrong, make an attempt to learn from it. " No, it's not fun to experience. ”. He still likes all of my instagrams & watches all of my snapchat stories though, am I reading into it or is he still interested? Also, is it normal that it bothers me/upsets me that he's doing this? I don't see why he can like my pictures so nonchalantly when he ghosted me hardly 6 months ago. Unfortunately the closure you want is out of your control. Had this happen to me about a year and a half ago after 9 dates over 2 months with a girl. I had to mute him/hide my stories on IG because he was always watching them and tbh doesn’t deserve to peer into my life. If it’s coming Ghosted but Still Watches My Every Instagram Story. Whilst the truth is that they probably weren’t that interested either, they might not have deliberately ghosted you. Learn from It. The person ghosted is left wondering what they did wrong, sometimes even blaming themselves for the breakup. When a man ghosts you then suddenly reappears, it can be tough to determine if he sincerely likes you, or Feb 6, 2023 · Why Did He Ghost Me? The Scientific Answer. Worse is when he still your fb/ig stories but doesn’t have the balls to text you. Occasionally, despite my happy relationship now, I still think about it. anyways, from March 30th through April 1st, he sent me memes for 3 days straight. I feel this is a form of crazy, just my simple minded opinion. Shutterstock. I'd block him on isntagram. This person needs explains in words their side of what was bothering them about the relationship. 5y that ghosted me also still follows me everywhere. If you really like him, wait a little bit and then ask him or talk to him about something completely unrelated to him unfollowing you. Overall, he advises that you take this time “as an opportunity to focus on you and enriching your resilience. then on the week before he left school I unfollowed her on Instagram but she stills follows me and actively views my stories. Envelope_Torture. But being a seasoned ghosteree, I know that there’s usually a reason for a message left on “read”. Instead of basing your judgment on the one instance, it’s important to maintain perspective. So the only difference with Snapchat and Instagram is that it gives you the ability to directly see who’s viewing your stories. Since then he’s just slept around and never dated. They know you’ll be so hungry for closure that you’ll likely be open to it. When they ghost you and come back, read their message carefully. Sometimes we get ahead of ourselves and miss important indicators of incompatibility. Our last date was two weeks ago; last text exchange was almost a week ago. Mar 30, 2024 · If you wanna talk, I’d love to know what happened, good or bad. I know i made a big mistake by telling a date that soon that I feel fooled, but I didn’t expect that he would ghost me after 5 weeks of texting every day, talking on the phone for 9 hours and a nice In that sense it is actually pretty common that when someone 'ghosts' they actually continue to float around the periphery and keep tabs, sort of how an ex that ends it will still keep tabs. On dates, he can’t get enough of me but in between he is a poor communicator. If you find yourself dating someone in this category, they may attempt to “dump” you before you get a chance to “dump” them. Instead of driving yourself crazy with these questions, all you need is a simple text to get your answer. Jul 10, 2023 · However, if things have now changed, he may have spotted an opportunity to get back together with his ex. He never saw you as a life partner, and becoming too attached to you was never a part of his plan. Aug. As someone who thinks you're being ghosted, it's easy to give into the frustration that Mar 9, 2023 · And with people like this, you’re better off leaving them hanging. Mattia Pelizzari. Feb 19, 2022 · Option 1: You can say nothing at all. Friendly, but not about to be walked all over. Don't address it; pretend you didn't notice. When you figure out that sb ghosted you, why do you still keep them on social media? When a guy ghosted me, I removed him from every possible social media, deleted the chats, his number, everything. Text: “I guess our run is over judging by your lack of a reply. •. Apr 24, 2022 · Me and a friend had something going on from March 2021-October 2021 me , him and my ex husband and his ex wife were friends before we got together , we have kids so we kept it hiding , we started talking again November 2022 , flirted, send some pictures , I asked him two weeks ago if he sees us being more then friends , he said not sure , he does like me but because of our teenage kids and our Jul 22, 2023 · The guy who is ghosting me keeps viewing my Instagram story …. Yeah, because they see something which they can reply to, they will initiate that text. “If it’s because ghosting you was easier, say goodbye to the disrespectful. Lauren O'Neill. The tale is as old as time: My friend, Lauren, a witty 24-year-old who works in PR, agreed to go out with a scruffy, 26-year-old musician after five days of flirty Hinge exchanges. 15. If a guy says this from the get-go, kudos to him. Reason 3. clairejharris. Your ghoster might not even know that they ghosted you, so clarify the situation (and your needs) with them before moving forward. Black_Midnite. He ghosted you to make himself feel relevant and powerful and watches your profile …. Maybe he wants to know if you still have a thing for him. Have zero expectations even if the date goes perfectly, you even kiss, he spills all his emotions and says he wants to see you again. I mean, if he wanted to know how I was doing he could have asked me in person or—I don’t know—tried not ghosting me in the first place. I invite anyone who is currently going through this to join together here for venting, support, healing, and advice. after that i Expressed my feeling of how happy I feel when I'm talking with him. that’s the only time he’s interacted on my story. Occasionally together. Jared Freid, 38. His ghosting behavior should be all the closure you need, letting you know that you dodged an immature bullet. 2 May 2018, 23:00. Simple answer is, you haven’t blocked her yet. . Before we get into it, let’s grab a definition of ghosting from fellow dating coach over at wingmam: What is ghosting? It’s when he’s either no longer interested (98% chance) or actually really dead (1. but right after that text he ghosted me. He doesn’t have kids and told me that he spends most of his evenings/nights during the week at home and his job is not demanding. The first solution is all about mindset. Most of the time, they have something going on that they don't know how to deal with it. com. Being ghosted heightens the fear of abandonment. And yet he watches all my Instagram stories. Not a big deal, it happens. This disappearing act is " ghosting . Do They Still Follow You On Social Media? This one is tricky. another thing, from March 30th through April 1st, he would send me memes at a specific time (1pm on the 30th and 3pm on Feb 22, 2021 · Claire Harris is a writer in exile who has spent the last decade travelling and working around the world. qd iy jl yl ua sb id pm xm ce