Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024
As per help document: For cyclic symmetric models, the participation factors are only provided for HI=0 and 1, and these values are multiplied by Modal Analysis Modal Analysis of a Generic Pipe Assembly – Lesson 1 Using Live Physics (GPU) solver – Part 1. Modal Analysis of Generic Pipe Assembly Using Ansys Discovery, Part 1. This course introduces you to the design and analysis of the crank arm used to pedal a bicycle. Jun 17, 2020 · Notice:The Ansys Innovation Space (AIS) will undergo scheduled maintenance from June 6th to June 18th. However, the Symmetry Region tool should not be used when all four symmetry requirements are not satisfied, such as in modal or linear buckling analyses where non-symmetric modes are needed to be calculated. On comparing the obtained results, we find that the Ansys beam element results Jun 30, 2019 · Subscriber. Watch this video to gain a better understanding of the many capabilities contained within the Blend function with the help of Introduction to Engineering Design using Ansys Discovery. Please refer to the image attached which further explains the problem that I am facing. The goal for this part is to demonstrate how to seamlessly model bolts in Ansys Discovery. Depending on the physics being simulated in the Discovery file, the applicable product will be launched. This requires Ansys Discovery 2023 R1 or newer release. View Product. The Discovery welcome screen walks you through key areas of the new user experience including stage switching, view manipulation and result viewing. Every object has its own series of natural frequencies. The efficiency in product development improves radically. Insinyur struktur perlu menghitung The monocoque, which is French for "single-shell," is a type of structure in which the object's outer or external skin carries all the tensile and compressive stresses. Hello, One of our customers has a problem with Discovery 2020 R2. Tweet. Geometry. The Move tool is another pillar for solid modeling in Ansys Discovery. A revolutionary simulation solution called ANSYS Discovery Live enables Management, early design exploration and virtual experimentation in fluid, thermal, structural. This course shows the modal analysis of a space satellite. unv format and import it into ANSYS. This lecture unit focuses on the assembly of geometries in Ansys Discovery. 1 […] Dec 15, 2021 · Hello M Rizuwan. In this part we will setup and solve a modal simulation of a pipe assembly using the Live Physics (GPU) solver. Fluid-solid Thermal Analysis. I define a txt. 0 or newer. Topology optimization is a physics driven optimization that is based on a set of loads and boundary conditions. Lesson Content. In this video Governing Equations of Modal Analysis — Lesson 2. First and foremost, the new Discovery will offer engineers a design tool that includes both speed and accuracy. 28th at 11 AM EST. SEE ALL KNOWLEDGE ARTICLES. I did insert a discovery model called duct assembly but even though the model loads, I cannot see the model. Subscriber. Other sources of vibration include vibrations from the engine and gearbox. A point load is also added to the […] How to Use the Move Tool — Lesson 2. It can be used to add features and repair or replace troublesome geometry. Using Live Physics (GPU) solver – Part 1. Apr 12, 2023 · The GEKO (GEneralized K-Omega) turbulence model offers a flexible, robust, general-purpose approach to RANS turbulence modeling. You may need to define other parameters of command MODOPT. Describe the periodic loads that are acting on the structure. Share. ANSYS Discovery Live is intended for It serves as an e-learning resource to integrate industry-standard simulation tools into courses and provides a resource for supplementary learning outside the classroom. ), the material properties appear when any boundary condition is defined. ly/2EhW4bN Part 1: In this video, you will learn how to setup a basic modal analysis. Post Processing and Report Generation – Lesson 3, Part 2. g. Associativity to CAD. Instead of dealing with the dificulty of perform-ing structural analyses on complicated geom-etry, Discovery enables Discovery Knowledge Articles. Geometry: What if you could make a simple or complex change directly on a 3-D model, and instantly know the impact of that change? In this course, you will learn how to use Ansys Discovery to perform a flow simulation involving a filter, also known as a porous medium. You can then design your structure to avoid resonant frequencies or to vibrate at a specific frequency. All Channels; 3D Design in the Modal Behaviour simulation in Discovery Live? July 29, 2019 at 7:20 pm Geometry Preparation in Ansys Discovery. In this video, you will learn the capabilites of the Analyze/Refine stage in Ansys Discover Boost productivity and performance by eliminating long waits for simulation results. First, (right click) Modal > Insert > Displacement, as shown below. Oct 15, 2020 · Modal analysis – frequency values repeated. Available in both Explore and Refine stage of Ansys Discovery. It features an interactive tour with a sample file to guide you through setting up and running your first simulation. The many lessons provide step-by-step instructions for modeling a variety of products, including heat sinks, smartphones and robotic arms, using Ansys Discovery. 0% Complete 0/2 Steps. Dynamic vibration behavior is the response of a structure under external excitation. Finally, you changed the model units from the Discovery Settings menu. 2 , ANSYS SpaceClaim DirectModeler , discovery , General , structural-mechanics May 15, 2023 at 8:32 am Jul 12, 2022 · At our company (MechDes) we are looking into Ansys Discovery. In this Learning Track, you will learn how to use Ansys Discovery to prepare a CAD model for simulation. During this time, all AIS sites will be available in read-only mode with no login function available. Check the video shown below which demonstrates modifying contacts e. The topic ‘Make Refine Mode Available in Discovery’ is closed to new replies. Design exploration in Discovery is part of a larger digital thread that spans multiple teams and machines. Frekuensi alami ini sangat penting dalam berbagai bidang teknik. Ansys Discovery Info Sheet. The bike crank must sustain the weight of the rider and should not break or deform. Below is from the help documentation. In this course, we simulate the load-carrying capacity of a simple cantilever beam using beam elements. While exploring the Sep 26, 2022 · Download the file here Application example of a modal analysis of a vehicle double-wishbone suspension including springs. The package contains six lessons to be completed in sequence. It also showcases how to set up a structural simulation in Ansys Discovery and provides a comparison of analytical and numerical solution for a cantilever beam. Discovery lets engineers focus on innovation and product performance. October 15, 2020 at 7:17 pm. This material will be the foundation for other sections in dynamics where we explore mode superposition and forced frequency/harmonic analysis. It's actually a combination of all the mode Summary — Modal Analysis — Lesson 8. To obtain displacement magnitudes of real structures, you have to apply a load and see the response. Additionally, we will show how to transfer the setup to Ansys Mechanical for further higher fidelity analysis. May 3, 2021 · 3. Please find below the steps to perform a Parameter Sweep Study in Discovery Explore Mode: 1. This lesson covers the basics of the … Continue reading Discovery UI and In this lesson, we will learn how to use Sketch tool in the Design tab in Discovery. 5cm x 10cm x 10cm. We will specifically learn to use Pull, Move, Fill and Combine Tools which are used both in 2D and 3D application and are the Sep 26, 2022 · This example is taken from Cornell University's ANSYS AIM Learning Modules Contents Problem Specification Geometry Mesh Physics Setup Results Evaluation Verification & Validation Problem Specification A wing with a NACA 0012 airfoil section is supported such that one end is fixed and the other end is free. Additive Print. The process of creating a parameter is very simple. In this course, we will understand the basics of the editing tools that are used for preparing geometry in Ansys Discovery. Jan 3, 2018 · Notice:The Ansys Innovation Space (AIS) will undergo scheduled maintenance from June 6th to June 18th. The topic ‘Aim – Modal Using Symmetry Regions in Ansys Mechanical can give more accurate and more computationally efficient solutions. Watch & Learn. Our renewable products can be downloaded at no cost by students across the globe and installed on any supported MS Windows 64-bit machine. We will also briefly discuss how to track and reuse sketch parameters to efficiently use Discovery design resources. These are typically used for boats, aircraft bodies, and, to a limited extent, in automotive chassis. Although complex frequencies are used for mode-superposition, regular (non-complex) frequencies are reported […] Additive Manufacturing. Bolt pretension is a loading condition so it is not available in a stand alone modal analysis. You then utilized the Shell, Combine and Pull (Revolve) tools to create and modify the geometry of several different components in the assembly. Aircraft wings experience vibrations due to aerodynamic forces, atmospheric turbulence, and flow shocks during aircraft takeoff, cruising, landing. Advanced Tutorials here: https://bit. No prior modeling experience necessary. Getting Started with Geometry in Ansys Discovery Discovery UI and Settings — Lesson 1 Ansys Discovery provides a single, immersive, and interactive workspace for creating your model, exploring simulation design, and analyzing solutions. 0 with the help of which I would like to carry out a static or modal analysis of a piston rod. susy. There is a hot and and opposite cold wall Boost productivity and performance by eliminating long waits for simulation results. Transfer to Workbench, Mechanical, Fluent. In the preceding lessons we have covered a lot of topics in the area of modal analysis! In this lesson we recap what we have learned. For example, Once fixed supports are defined, Discovery recognizes that as structural physics simulation and filters out properties Explorer stage. , showing how to avoid a face from Free Student Software Downloads. Aug 18, 2020 · Below are seven ways to get up to speed quickly with Discovery. Spaceclaim utilizes 100% 3d gpu graphics. Jan 25, 2023 · Participant. I then looked for Fault Detection (Tools->Analysis Tools->Fault Detection) in DesignModeler. This unit follows on from Lecture Unit: Creating and Editing Geometries in Ansys Discovery. Used by millions around the world, students can take advantage of our free engineering software for homework, capstone projects and student competitions. We will also estimate the modal frequencies using beam theory. The process of carrying out a Oct 30, 2023 · Simulation Targets for Monitors For Monitors we can set Simulation Targets, specifying maximum and minimum limits. You can add supporting ribs to the enclosure in a variety of configurations to see how they affect its performance, all in a matter of minutes. Installation & Licensing. Do you know these vibrations can totally destroy a bridge? Media error: Format (s) not supported or source (s) not found. In this example we look Dec 21, 2023 · Modal analysis enables you to model the undamped, free vibration characteristics of a structure by determining natural frequencies and mode shapes. 1. Oct 10, 2020 · The only way to get Shared Topology is to use either SpaceClaim or DesignModeler. johnston. Existing limits vanish. ON: Normalize the mode shapes to unity. Aug 5, 2020 · Ansys Discovery 2021 Review. Please refer the attached document which provides a step-by-step guide to review and modify contacts in Ansys Discovery. This lesson covers additional analyses in Discovery. May 11, 2021 · Hi, I have been trying to load a model onto the discovery system. TAGGED: Ansys Discovery. The bolt pretension is simulated in the preceding static analysis and you can use pre-stress Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim. How do I resolve it? The fault location is shown in the screenshot attached. The modal analysis is done on Discovery Live to quickly check the mode shapes and then a more detailed Random Vibration analysis with Gravity Acceleration PSD input is done in Discovery AIM. Learn about Ansys Discovery Capabilities, see examples of Discovery in action, and hear from customers on how Discovery has impacted their business. Ansys Discovery 2021 R1 adds a direct transfer to Ansys Mechanical and Fluent applications so that you can move from Discovery and simulate Jul 18, 2022 · In this video lesson, which is a part 1 of the two-part series, we will perform modal analysis to determine the natural frequencies of a generic pipe assembl Jul 9, 2020 · So, without further ado, let’s go over the reasons to get excited for the all-new Discovery. Boost productivity and performance by eliminating long waits for simulation results. He cannot use the explore stage, he can only see the model and refine stages. If both structural or structural-thermal boundary conditions exist, Mechanical will be In this series of webinars, we will introduce you to the many facets and features of Ansys Discovery — the first and only interactive, real-time simulation solution on the market. Learning Outcomes. Tagged: June 6, 2022 at 10:54 am. General. Introducing 2 videos: provides background information on the model and a This demonstrates exporting data from Fluent in EnSight Case Gold format, and it reviews the basic postprocessing capabilities of EnSight. This printed circuit board modeling session covered several different topics. It is a powerful multifunctional tool that can be used to move objects, create patterns, and more. I got one fault that says 'Corrupt data structure' for one of the bodies. Discovery Live allows engineers to quickly switch between physics adding new studies all on the same model. A course completion badge allows you to showcase your success. Viewing 1 reply thread. All-in-One Tool. The wing has a chord of 1 meter, a […] May 15, 2023 · ANSYS Discovery Live – Concept Optimization Using Modal Analysis Tagged: 19. Download PDF. Ansys Student can be downloaded for free here. First, we'll explore a workflow for modal analysis and learn to convert structural simulations into thermo-mechanical analyses to examine thermal stresses. Next, click the edge selection filter button, . We partner with the Credly Acclaim platform, and digital badges can be used in email signatures, digital resumes and social media sites. The model is depicted in the above picture and my setup attached in the file. It makes simulation faster and easier than ever by reducing setup, solving and post-processing time to near zero. We’ll cover topics on leveraging setting up boundary conditions, monitors, and reviewing results. TAGGED: Discovery AIM, modal. We will do so by creating idealized bolt elements and hinged connections, ultimately creating a more representative simulation of the actual application. Suspensi biasanya diatur agar memiliki frekuensi alami yang berbeda untuk mobil penumpang dan mobil balap. Access to Workbench Additive. This means you will not be able to create any new forum posts on the Ansys Learning Forum, but you can still browse existing ones. Jun 7, 2019 · Yes, the point mass condition allows setting up a remote mass. Below is an example, MODOPT,lanb,6,,,, on Modal Analysis in Ansys Mechanical Summary. Results include displacements of each component for different suspension vibration modes. November 19, 2020 at 9:14 am. In this course, you will learn how to create a solid model of the bike crank starting from a simple sketch. During trial periode we found that the modeller works slower compared to spaceclaim. You can check with your Ansys sales representative for Discovery Simulation license, which will give you access to Refine mode. . Nrmkey : OFF : Normalize the mode shapes to the mass matrix (default). This course introduces solid modeling and how it can be used to visualize geometries — from component parts to entire systems — and predict product performance in concert with engineering simulation. With Ansys Discovery, the simulation specialist combines rapid experimentation with deeper insight into product behaviour in a way that is remarkable to behold, as Al Dean reports. The possible solutions that can be add in Discovery Live now are: thermal, fluid, structural and modal. By using a single tool, all parties involved in the development process can quickly design, experiment and validate ideas with high accuracy. It demonstrates how simulation can be used to test and improve the design of the heat sink and evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen cooling system. Feb 10, 2024 · Hello, I am facing a problem trying to use the Refine Mode for the Modal Analysis Ansys Course with Discovery, the program says that I`ve exceed the mesh limit for student mode but it also states that the limit is 0 nodes and 0 elements, which cannot be true. Set up and run simulations in Ansys Discovery for a wide range of industries and applications faster and easier than ever before with new multiple physics capabilities, performance improvements and dynamic collaboration updates. It can also be used to repair or replace troublesome geometry. The first step starts with creating parameters. In WB, insert a command object under Modal. When rapid ideation and fast exploration of design alternatives is required, Ansys’ proprietary real time This oil rig modeling session covered several different topics. We will discuss the various ways to create sketches in both the 2D and 3D modes. The unit covers how to use the Assemble Group of tools to fit the individual parts of a model together to form an assembled product. The purpose of the Discovery UI is to make it simple and intuitive to use. info. Legacy Products. Check out the new features in our live webinar on Feb. Then, click on the geometry and apply it as the Geometry in the "Details of Displacement" table. Design & Geometry Modeling. Through this video, you will get a better understanding of the many ways to apply the Fill function with the help of several different examples Sep 26, 2022 · September 26, 2022 at 10:15 am. Ansys Topology Optimization capabilities expands the possibilities of design process performance targets. This includes understanding the basic editing tools that are used for preparing geometry, such as the Pull, Move, Fill, and Combine features, followed by learning how to create or edit the geometry Sep 26, 2022 · Watch this video to see how you can modify the properties of a plastic enclosure for a circuit board and receive instant deformation feedback using ANSYS Discovery Live. Understanding simple beam structural analysis Ability to set up a structural simulation in Ansys Discovery; Awareness of importance of simulation in engineering problems Jan 20, 2021 · Show the Modal Analysis Effective Mass Participation Summary that is available under the Solution Information folder in a Modal analysis. Alternate video link. Ansys Discovery Student can be downloaded for free here. Let’s summarize the key points: Mar 2, 2020 · I was trying to mesh an assembly but I got a few errors. Whether your focus is on reducing weight in an airplane, or optimizing the design of a civil structure, Ansys Topology Optimization in Discovery and Mechanical provides opportunities to design creatively with speed and efficiency. and modal applications. A bridge can start to vibrate for many reasons: wind loading and vehicle or even foot traffic. Additive Suite includes: Additive Prep. It is also visiblie in the task manager. Note that, although the results of a modal analysis include displacement results, you should only use these […] Bolted Connections — Part 2. Lastly, set Z Component to 0, as shown below. Discovery Physics. Ansys Discovery is the new standard for product development. Each lesson has a set of lecture notes made in PowerPoint and a corresponding set of geometries made For my master thesis, I use the Mechanical APDL 15. Once the simulation […] The Fill tool is another extremely versatile tool in Ansys Discovery that can be used to generate new geometry or remove unwanted features. We discussed prestress effects and also how to use simulation to gain more insight into a design based on modal analysis results. The Refine mode essentially uses the same background solver as the Flagship products. Jun 6, 2022 · For a MSUP (mode superposition) Harmonic Analysis and a MSUP Transient Analysis, one can use the Reduced Damped (QRDAMP) solver with the "Store Complex Solution" property set to "No". This video will walk you through the vibration analysis of the Frame of a Pick-up truck. In this case, regular (non-complex) mode shapes are calculated and are used for mode-superposition. ANSYS returns the nodal Intro to Modal Analysis — Lesson 1. Additive Science. Speed and Accuracy. Join us to explore how Discovery can be used for generative design and topology, for applications such as modal and structural challenges and for upfront rapid Sep 26, 2022 · Using ANSYS Discovery AIM find the first six natural frequencies of the beam and the mode shapes. However if you wish to study the effects of bolt pretension on the modal characteristics of a model, you can run a pre-stressed modal analysis. You (or whoever owns the Pulse software) can request a temporary license from B&K to evaluate the functionality of the ANSYS . This project requires release 19. This part will show the setup process and how to solve with pre-loaded The rapid geometry preparation capabilities of Ansys make the process even more efficient. script with the necessary conditions to perform a modal analysis. Hi, I am running a modal analysis (ANSYS AIM) using hollow bodies (manually inserted thickness) and the frequency results are the ones in the pic attached. The deflection and load-carrying characteristics can be obtained using the beam theory formulation. 1 and installed R2024. Find answers to the most common questions or watch a quick tip video to get better at using Ansys Discovery. Then, you will explore how to analyze the performance of Jan 18, 2022 · In this video, we cover how to handle geometry, setup boundary conditions (BCs) and post process results using Ansys Discovery. Now we know the necessity and importance of modal analysis, but how can we setup the mathematics to compute the natural frequencies and mode shapes of an object? Dynamic vibration behavior is the response of a structure under external excitation. This teaching package is an introduction to simple CAD and simulation methods in engineering, no prior experience necessary. But even though it shows that the model has been uploaded, there is no visual of the model available. Modal analysis computes the frequency shape of modes and displays a magnitude of displacement that has no meaning for the displacement of a real structure because there is no load applied to the structure in a modal analysis. Also, […] Dec 21, 2023 · To transfer Discovery data to another Ansys application: From the Transfer menu in the ribbon of the Simulation tab, choose a product from the list. Have you ever wondered why strong bass music is so exciting? Aug 24, 2023 · The Contact Review Tool in Ansys Discovery is used to review and modify automatically generated solid-solid contacts. In the second part, we'll discover how to export a comprehensive report for simulation documentation and will learn how you can transfer Aug 7, 2020 · Advanced Tutorials here: https://bit. Sep 26, 2022 · Solution: Since Discovery filters the material properties based on the physics environment chosen (Structural, Fluids, solid thermal, etc. rst file import. New capabilities in Discovery make it easier to collaborate. Do you know what the problem can be ? In this video lesson we will learn the step-by-step process for creating the speakers, charging port and back details of a smartphone model using Discovery. Any help would be appreciated Bike Crank Design Tutorial with Ansys Discovery — Breakaway! Putting Down the Hammer: Structural Analysis of a Bike Crank in Ansys Discovery — Lesson 2 Modal Analysis and the Effects of Free Vibration. But when I run the same sim using solid bodies, the Dec 19, 2022 · In this video we see how Ansys Discovery can be used to rapidly explore multiple different Design concepts using 'Parameter Studies'. Structural Analysis. You then utilized the Blend, Mirror, Shell and Pull (Sweep) tools to create and modify the geometry of several components in the assembly. With the launch of Ansys Discovery, Ansys has kicked off a significant expansion of its nextgeneration simulation products. One can use command MODOPT. Topology Optimization. My goal is to get the stresses at the nodes for the elements and modes of the piston rod. May 3, 2018 · If you want to compare your modal model to experimental data, perhaps you should export the data from Pulse in a . A course … Continue reading Ansys Discovery is the new standard for product development. Unlike static solution, point mass doesn't need centrifugal or inertial (gravity) load in modal analysis. ly/2EhW4bN This is Part 2. Excessive vibration of the wing can cause a catastrophic failure that, more often than not, leads to loss of life or property. If you have one of those, they can open a Parasolid from SolidWorks, then you can create a Multibody part and Share Topology. Welcome. Additive Suite spans the entire workflow – from design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) through validation, print design, process simulation and exploration of materials. In this course, we introduced how to perform one of the most fundamental linear dynamics analysis types, modal analysis. The effective mass won’t match for cases other than Harmonic Index=0. I´ve unistalled R2023. You learned how to use tools such as Pull (Scale Body), Fill Pattern and Circular Pattern. He uses a “ANSYS Discovery (Named User)” license. Enhanced Collaboration and Access. The structure is made […] Apr 16, 2021 · Hello,n After editing the geometry in Workbench using Design Modeler, I tried updating Model in the Static Structural table A (see 1st photo below) but I it won't update and I get the message, The Model component in Static Structural requires user input before it can be updated, also seen in the 1st photo below. Geometry In this video, you will learn to create a cantilever beam for the modal analysis according to the dimensions specified. Part-1 In this session, we will explore how you can prepare and preprocess the model in Discovery Model stage for EM simulation. For more ways to learn, check out the Cornell edX course, A Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Simulations at Simulation Files. Use Move or Pull tool and click the parameter icon located next to the dimension value for creating a Discovery Electromagnetics documentations: Electromagnetics Conditions Simulation Files. Additionally, we will understand how to apply dimensions and Sep 26, 2022 · Discovery AIM tutorial – 3D Finite-Element Analysis of a Bike Crank FAQ: Discovery SpaceClaim and Discovery Live offline help document FAQ: Missing Areas of the User Interface in Discovery Live Discovery AIM – Butterfly Valve With Reed Flow Sensor Fluid-Structure Interaction How-To Ansys 2024 R1 expands Discovery’s astonishing live physics, innovative user experience, and robust modeling tools, making it a critical piece of the Ansys digital simulation thread and the best place for every engineer and analyst to start simulation. Once […] Apr 1, 2024 · Ansys Discovery Topology Optimization Weight Reduction Ansys Discovery features best-in-class Topology Optimization Tool, which helps you compute an optimal structural design for a selected region of your model with specific design goals and constraints. Mar 25, 2021 · This post originally contained file attachments which have been removed in compliance with the updated Ansys Learning Forum Terms & Conditions Hello! I was wondering if it was possible to simulate natural convection in a cubical air-filled cavity using Discovery Explore Mode. You learned how to use sketch tools such as Project, Offset and Polygon. n In this section the beam's motion will be constricted to the xy plane. If there is more than one load, describe why each load might have a specific phase relative to the first load. Perform modal analysis to determine the natural frequencies of a generic pipe assembly in this Ansys Innovation Course lesson. FAQ. Jun 6, 2022 · Ansys Discovery: Part 1 of setting up a Modal Analysis. Download the files here to follow the video step-by-step. Analisis modal adalah jenis analisis dinamik fundamental, yang memberikan frekuensi alami di mana sebuah struktur akan beresonansi. The 1U CubeSat with legs has dimensions of 10. The popularity of monocoque construction is because of its strength and This case study showcases how Ansys Discovery can be used to perform thermal analysis of a heat sink placed above two CPUs generating heat during intense computational tasks. Mar 17, 2023 · We can’t use the same guidelines about effective mass ratio for cyclic modal as we would with non-cyclic models. Participant. Rotating, panning, pulling, moving, all commands are more 'sluggish' compared to spaceclaim. Jul 12, 2021 · In this video lesson we will learn the step-by-step process for creating components for the capacitor and its enclosure using Ansys Discovery. The goal for this part is to demonstrate how to utilize our report generation feature in Discovery to summarize the findings in our simulation project. Watch this video to get a better understanding of the Move tool and its many functions with the help of several examples. nIf you don't want to do that or don't have those licenses, then you can imprint the larger face with the outline of the smaller face to get idendtical faces, then use Mesh Controls to get Blend is an extremely versatile tool in Ansys Discovery that can be used to generate new geometry between points, curves, surfaces, and solids. For more information, please refer the attached document which provides a step-by-step guide to specify the Simulation Targets for the […] Sep 26, 2022 · This example is taken from Cornell University's ANSYS AIM Learning Modules Contents Problem Specification Geometry Mesh Physics Setup Results Evaluation Problem Specification A simplified CubeSat is held in a rectangular box called a P-POD while being launched into orbit. Natural frequency depends on the stiffness and mass distribution of the system, thus point mass does have an impact on the calculated frequencies. om pr sc yb rp pf bc nq ib fs