Telegram wiki. δεδομένα ( π. He was best known as an advocate of a policy of containment of Soviet expansion during the Cold War. We have animated and video stickers. It was officially unblocked on June 19, 2020. Dude notification example using Telegram bot You can use Dude to execute commands in your RouterOS, this means you can use same tool fetch to send messages from the Dude server. Oct 3, 2018 · Install python-telegram-bot. telegram. Learn more about its features and join millions of users worldwide. vojenský telegram – zpravidla strategického a operačního významu. File usage on other wikis. Klienter för Telegram finns för mobila enheter (som Android, IOS, Windows Phone, UbuntuTouch) och desktopsystem ( Windows, macOS, Linux) [ 1]. On Stickers. Now create file bot. The telegram caused an infuriated Hitler to immediately strip Göring of power and to Jan 18, 2021 · Telegram tiene muchos bot que podes usar. ニコライはパーヴェルによる自身のデジタル・フォートレスファンドを通しての金融支援やインフラ提供により新たなメッセンジャープロトコルで 点击跳转到官网获取 Telegram; 点击next. In terms of data privacy, many people were upset by the idea of WhatsApp On April 16, 2018, the Russian government began blocking access to Telegram, an instant messaging service. Telegram, přenášený pomocí telegrafie, má více významů: občanský telegram – zpráva občanského charakteru. It is possible not to share the information with other users. این پیامرسان در سال ۲۰۱۳ توسط دو برادر به نامهای پاول و نیکلای دورف راهاندازی شد The wiki is home to number of more elaborate introductions of the different features of python-telegram-bot and other useful resources that go beyond the technical documentation. However, if your clients experiencing difficults, use configuration Check out the other sections to find new and interesting sticker packs with memes, movies, cats, and more. Mar 24, 2021 · Written by Dave Johnson. Type telegram into the search bar and tap Search. In many English-speaking countries, a telegram messenger, more often known as a telegram delivery boy, telegraph boy or telegram boy was a young man employed to deliver telegrams, usually on bicycle. Choose from over a million stickers! Install the MELLSTROY sticker pack for Telegram! This is a set of 50 video stickers. Each of them has an analogue in the form of an emoji, with which you can express any emotions and feelings. ext submodule. [ 3] В октябре 2013 года Telegram объявил, что у него 100 000 активных пользователей в день. It is also possible to independently verify that Telegram apps available on Google Play and App Store are built Archer Kent Blood (March 20, 1923 – September 3, 2004) was an American career diplomat and academic. טלגרם (ב אנגלית: Telegram, בעברית: "מברק") היא מערכת מסרים מיידיים. The platform also supports a range of social media features such as Telegram channels for posting and following news, stories for making image posts that expire after 24 hours, and chat groups. Go to the "hamburger" menu on the top left, tap Contacts and select someone from your contact list. Telegrammet var under slutet av 1800-talet och stora delar av 1900-talet ett viktigt kommunikationsmedel för privatpersoner, företag och myndigheter och kännetecknades av att vara snabba och samtidigt vara juridiskt giltiga. Telegram je cloudová služba instant messaging, zaměřená na rychlost a bezpečnost, která je dostupná prostřednictvím open source klientů pro mobilní zařízení s A Telegram ingyenes, platformokon átívelő, felhőalapú, azonnali üzenetküldő alkalmazás (Instant Messenger, IM). The Telegram Crisis was a diplomatic crisis between Denmark and Germany in October and November 1942, during the German occupation of Denmark . The cable came in the wake of the midnight raids Feb 28, 2023 · Telegram Messenger es un software que funciona como servicio de mensajería y llamdadas por Internet que se desarrolló en 2013 por los hermanos Nikolai y Pavel Durov. Mar 24, 2021, 7:49 AM PDT. It originated in the telegraph age when telecommunication consisted only of short messages transmitted by hand over the telegraph wire. The telegram desktop client can be installed with the telegram-desktop package. Tap that contact, then tap the Telegram Messenger LLP. Visit us and find funny 🤣, popular 🚀 and newest stickers 🦸♂️. Tiếp đến chúng ta gõ vào ô tìm kiếm từ BotFather và bấm Bắt đầu. com. leadertelegram . เทเลแกรม. , the US ambassador to South Vietnam. It widely introduced the term "containment" and advocated for its strategic use against the Soviet Union. Ett telegram är ett skriftligt meddelande avsett att befordras telegrafiskt till mottagaren. Để tạo Bot telegram thì chắc chắn bạn phải có tài khoản telegram (đăng ký rất dễ). Native antispam system Admins of supergroups with a certain number of members can choose to unleash the full proactive power of Telegram's own antispam algorithms – turning on the new Aggressive mode for the automated spam filters. In addition to the pure API implementation, this library features a number of high-level classes to make the development of bots easy and straightforward. WP:TELEGRAM. If you have Telegram, you can contact Wikipedia Search right away. These classes are contained in the telegram. Kompaniju je osnovao ruski preduzetnik Pavel Durov, pre toga poznat kao osnivač popularne online društvene mreže VKontakte. יישומי לקוח של טלגרם זמינים במכשירי אנדרואיד ו- iOS ובמערכות שולחניות ( Microsoft Windows, OS X, לינוקס ). Telegram (非正式簡稱 TG 、 電報 、 纸飞机 )是 跨平台 的 即時通訊软件 ,其 客户端 是 自由及开放源代码软件 ,但 服务端 是 专有软件 。. 官方提供手機版( Android Pavel Valeryevich Durov ( Russian: Павел Валерьевич Дуров; born 10 October 1984) [4] is a Russian-born Emirati entrepreneur who is known for founding the social networking site VK and the app Telegram Messenger. Användare kan med tjänsten skicka och ta emot meddelanden, utbyta bilder, video, ljudfiler och alla slags datafiler. He was also one of the group of foreign The Telegram & Gazette (and Sunday Telegram) is the only daily newspaper of Worcester, Massachusetts. File:Telegram logo. CallbackContext. تِلِگرام (به انگلیسی: Telegram) یک سرویس پیامرسان متنباز چندسکویی مبتنی بر رایانش ابری [۵] است. Telegram. As a result, a secret chat can only be viewed on the device where it was started and logging out of Telegram on that device will delete the chat. The actual dispatch was an internal telegram sent by Heinrich Abeken Telegram je online služba pro komunikaci (instant messaging). telegram . Install them on your iPhone, Android or PC. Зміна стилю також доступна в Telegram X (клієнті для Android) та Unigram. Telegram koristi niz aplikacija na Nov 5, 2023 · Telegram 2019 Logo. DEPTEL 243, also known as Telegram 243, the August 24 cable or most commonly Cable 243, was a high-profile message sent on August 24, 1963, by the United States Department of State to Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. Bokepind mantap pinned « Update 19/03/2023 done! untuk mudah dimoderasi bila ada pertanyaan dan ingin diskusi dengan tetap dipantau admin, silakan buka percakapan disini ya. 1917, jejíž rozluštění Brity May 4, 2024 · Telegram. 在telegram中找到Telegram用户获取验证码. 用戶可以相互交換 加密 同消毀訊息,傳送相片、影片等所有類型檔案。. Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed. Where features and apps go to die, many formerly free offerings were turned into "Premium" features to entice users to waste what amounts to 60 USD per year. We have published the code for our Android, iOS, web and desktop apps (Win, macOS and Linux) as well as the Telegram Database Library. Follow the on-screen instructions to log in or create a new account. 8+. σ. File usage on Commons. Headquarters. Our examples section contains several examples that showcase the different features of both the Bot API and python-telegram-bot . Telegram is a free cross-platform messaging app with a focus on privacy, security, and speed. Rex singles chronology. ext package. As of 29 September 2022, his net worth is estimated at US$15. 1 day ago · Recent News. Discord. 官方提供手機版(Android、iOS、Windows Phone)、電腦版(Windows、macOS、Linux)同埋 Aug 17, 2022 · Telegram is a globally accessible freemium, cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging (IM) service. 官方提供手機版( Android Telegram channels generate trillions of views every year – and owners of large channels can be rewarded with 50% of the revenue from ads shown in their channel. Skype — a proprietary application owned by Microsoft for instant messaging, VoIP calls, and video conversations. President Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam. [ 2] Atualmente, encontra-se sediado em Dubai, Emirados Árabes Unidos. Recommended applications — applications recommended for use in a graphical environment ( X11, Wayland) Categories: Stub. pip install wikipedia. Steam. De hecho, algunos países como Rusia e Irán han llegado a prohibir la aplicación porque los desarrolladores se niegan a facilitarles . Oddiy foydalanuvchilar matn xabarlashuvdan tashqari bir-birlariga har birining hajmi 2 GB gacha boʻlgan tasvir , video , audio va har xil fayllar yuborishlari hamda ovozli va video qoʻngʻiroqlarni amalga oshirishlari, kanal va guruhlarda ovozli hamda video chatlarda qatnashishlari mumkin. He is famous for sending the strongly worded "Blood Telegram" protesting against the atrocities committed in the Bangladesh Liberation War. Tento článek je o počítačovém programu. The pair were allegedly behind plots in Telegram. It’s compatible with Python versions 3. Telegram är en kostnadsfri datormolnbaserad snabbmeddelandeservice. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Enter your passcode or biometric if prompted to start the download. This code allows security researchers to fully evaluate our end-to-end encryption implementation. Java library to create bots using Telegram Bots API - rubenlagus/TelegramBots George Frost Kennan (February 16, 1904 – March 17, 2005) was an American diplomat and historian. The service can be accessed via smartphones, personal computers, and web browsers See full list on howtogeek. Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security. Singing telegrams are historically linked to normal telegrams, but tend to be humorous. Telegram (aplikacija) Telegram (novine) Telegram (portal) . Ems Dispatch. Circulation. Soporta multiplataforma, permite llamadas y guarda 1881. 官方提供手机版( Android 、 iOS Telegram (software) Telegram este un serviciu de mesagerie instantă și VoIP dezvoltată de Telegram Messenger LLP, companie înregistrată în Londra, Regatul Unit, și înființată de antreprenorul rus Pavel Durov. Also check out this Telegram stickers catalog. O dalších významech pojednává článek telegram. Ovo je razdvojbena stranica. Below you can find a reference of all the classes and methods in python-telegram-bot. Below is a list of public Telegram groups/channels for different Wikimedian Projects. Telegram (非正式简称TG)是跨平台个 即时通信软件 ,伊个客户端是自由搭开放源代码软件,但服务器是专有软件。. It was founded in 1881 and is read throughout Eau Claire County and surrounding counties. 701 S. Sometimes the artist is in costume or formal clothing. Note: Usually latest Telegram client can connect via proxy without issues. Además de mensajes y multimedia, te ofrece grupos, canales, notas, carga rápida de páginas, bots interactivos, entre otros. เทเลแกรม ( อังกฤษ: Telegram) เป็นบริการส่งสารทันที การโทรศัพท์ภาพ และ วอยซ์โอเวอร์ไอพี บน กลุ่มเมฆ (cloud) ที่มีการเข้ารหัส Jan 27, 2021 · Telegram can also host up to 200,000 users in a single group chat. A telegram is a written or printed telegraph message that is directly delivered to the recipient by a messenger. Updater. 14,034 (as of 2022) [1] Website. Telegram, fou fundat l'any 2013 per l'informàtic rus de trenta-tres anys Pàvel Dúrov, juntament amb el seu germà Nikolai Dúrov. It was launched for iOS on 14 August 2013 and Android on 20 October 2013. Telegram, cloud-based messaging app owned by Russian entrepreneurs Pavel and Nikolai Durov. Telegram ialah suatu perkhidmatan permesejan segera dan protokol Internet berasaskan pengkomputan awan dibangunkan syarikat Telegram Messenger LLP di London, United Kingdom, [5] Para pengguna perkhidmatan ini boleh menghantar mesej serta saling bertukar foto, video, pelekat, audio atau fail dengan sebarang format. [5] [6] V osnovi je uporaba brezplačna, z množico uradnih in neuradnih 텔레그램(영어: Telegram)은 여러 플랫폼을 지원하면서 다양한 기기를 지원 하는, 영리를 추구하지 않는 자유 클라우드 기반 인터넷 메신저이자 음성 인터넷 프로토콜이다. Telegram показує емодзі в стилі Apple, незалежно від платформи. Tap GET next to Telegram Messenger in the search results. The Sources of Soviet Conduct. Telegram requires a phone number to register. Klient může běžet i na počítači s Windows. Telegram is a cross-platform messaging service with enhanced encryption and privacy. The " X Article " is an article, formally titled " The Sources of Soviet Conduct ", written by George F. Most messages feature client-to-server encryption, but Apr 15, 2024 · This library provides a pure Python, asynchronous interface for the Telegram Bot API . The service also provides optional end-to-end encrypted chats and video calling, [6] VoIP, file sharing and several other features. On WhatsApp, the group chat limit is 256 people. Interesting fact: When sending an emoji, a ball may or may not hit the basket. The Eau Claire Leader-Telegram is a daily newspaper published in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, by Adams Publishing Group. He lectured widely and wrote scholarly histories of the relations between the USSR and the United States. Telegram or Telegramme may also refer to: Discover the best stickers for Telegram and WhatsApp. 用户可以相互交换加密搭自毁消息,发送照片、视频等所有类型文件。. Install Wikipedia. The Toronto Evening Telegram was founded in 1876 by publisher John Ross Robertson. Kế tiếp gõ /newbot để tạo và Secret Chats are end-to-end encrypted one-to-one chats based on Telegram's MTProto protocol, available on the official iOS, Android and MacOS clients. Jde o rozšíření dosavadního SMS kanálu, který je omezený na 160 znaků. [1] The blocking led to interruptions in the operation of many third-party services, but practically did not affect the availability of Telegram in Russia. Telegram is the first full-length and second overall remix album by Icelandic musician Björk, released on 25 November 1996. •. Oct 8, 2023 · Discord allows for communication over voice, video, and text. ext package the objects should reflect the types defined in the official telegram bot api documentation. Bạn lưu ý con này phải có tick nha, coi chừng lộn đó. Zimmermannův telegram – šifrovaná diplomatická zpráva z r. Telegram može značiti: brzojav odnosno brzojavka. [ 1] O Telegram é uma empresa independente, não ligada ao VK. augusztus 14-én először iOS operációs rendszeren, majd 2013 Mexico in 1916 (in dark green); territory promised to Mexico in the Zimmermann telegram (in light green); and the pre-1836 original Mexican territory (red line) The Zimmermann Telegram (or Zimmermann Note or Zimmermann Cable) was a secret diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office in January 1917 that proposed a military Telegram allows translating chat messages, and Telegram Premium users may even enable real-time chat translation. He had borrowed $10,000 to buy the assets of The Liberal, a defunct newspaper, and published his first edition of 3,800 copies on April 18, 1876. Y es que la privacidad es uno de los puntos fuertes de la compañía. [5] He is the younger brother of Nikolai Durov. Matrix. Metadata. "Jeepster". Уикипедия:Телеграм. Cable 243. 使用者可以相互交换加密与自毁讯息 [注 1] ,传送 相片 、 影片 等所有类型档案。. DispatcherHandlerStop. Telegram a FIREPORT. Installation. To v případě Telegram odpadá. Wohl and lobbyist Jack Burkman have been responsible for multiple unsuccessful plots to frame public figures for fictitious sexual assaults. (1972) "Metal Guru". Телеграм (на английски: Telegram) е безплатен междуплатформен софтуер за незабавни съобщения за смартфони и други устройства, позволяващ да May 1, 2024 · Telegram, however, cannot count them as reacts to posts- and will only count miniature versions of them if you buy their newfangled version of Nitro- Telegram Premium, as of 2022. تلگرام. [3] Telegram (phần mềm) Telegram Messenger là một dịch vụ nhắn tin tức thời miễn phí, đa nền tảng, mã hóa. Ứng dụng này cũng cung cấp các cuộc trò chuyện được mã hóa đầu cuối, thường được gọi là trò chuyện bí mật và gọi điện video [6], VoIP, chia sẻ tệp và một số Telegram (disambiguation) Look up telegram or telegramme in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. 1 Telegram messenger. Telegram users can exchange text messages, hold voice calls, share files, join groups of up to 200,000 members, and subscribe to public broadcast channels. He served as the last American Consul General to Dhaka, Bangladesh ( East Pakistan at the time). The crisis was triggered by a telegram from King Christian X of Denmark to Adolf Hitler, acknowledging Hitler's congratulations on the occasion of the King's 72nd birthday on September 26, 1942. The Göring Telegram was a message sent by Hermann Göring, head of the Luftwaffe and Adolf Hitler 's designated successor as leader of Nazi Germany, that asked for permission to assume leadership of the crumbling regime on 23 April 1945. Fine, probation, and community service. Telegram Messenger je brezplačna aplikacija za takojšnje sporočanje, osnovana na centraliziranem enkriptiranem omrežju, ki ponuja tekstovno sporočanje, videokonferenčne klice in VoIP, poleg tega pa še deljenje datotek in nekatere druge funkcionalnosti. 24 марта 2014 года Telegram объявил, что число его пользователей в месяц достигло 35 миллионов, а активных пользователей Telegramによれば、この暗号を突破する挑戦は永続的なプロジェクトであると表明し、より激しい攻撃ができる新たなコンテストを発表した 。 2014年11月、電子フロンティア財団による安全なメッセージング審査でTelegramは7点満点のうち5点と採点された 。 Telegram – tezkor xabar almashish vositasi. [Edit ] Telegram is a popular way for Wikimedians to chat and discuss in real time. py. On interception proxy it will works also with Telegram clients AUTO mode (the default). The paper, headquartered at 100 Front Street and known locally as the Telegram or the T & G, offers coverage of all of Worcester County, as well as surrounding areas of the western suburbs of Boston, Western Massachusetts, and several towns in Windham County in northeastern Connecticut. Telegram style, telegraph style, telegraphic style, or telegraphese [1] is a clipped way of writing which abbreviates words and packs information into the smallest possible number of words or characters. Telegram Desktop дає змогу змінити стиль на Android, Twemoji або JoyPixels. org. The base is updated daily. Versiuni ale aplicației sunt disponibile pentru Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows NT, macOS și Linux. In addition Jan 14, 2021 · Telegram es uno de los rivales más importantes de WhatsApp y el número de usuarios tiende a aumentar cada vez que hay un escándalo de privacidad en alguna aplicación de mensajería. File history. right away. Kennan and published under the pseudonym "X" in the July 1947 issue of Foreign Affairs magazine. Original file (SVG file, nominally 512 × 512 pixels, file size: 1 KB) This is a file from the Wikimedia Commons. In the Animated Emojis telegram channel, you can follow news in the world of Telegram emojis. ε ) Το Telegram ( προφέρεται: [Τέλεγκραμ]) είναι δωρεάν υπηρεσία ανταλλαγής άμεσων μηνυμάτων (IM) που βασίζεται σε cloud σε πολλαπλές πλατφόρμες. svg. частен сървър. Tap OPEN to launch Telegram. . BotFather. If the Telegram bot is configured correctly, you should instantly see the message, when the tool fetch command is executed in RouterOS/Dude. A singing telegram is a message that is delivered by an artist in a musical form. Съкращения : У:ТЕЛЕГРАМ. depeše – rychle přenášená psaná zpráva. Dispatcher. Aug 14, 2023 · Tạo Bot và lấy Bot Token. Göring Telegram. Western Union, the American telegraph company, began offering singing telegram services in 1933. Jacob Alexander Wohl (born December 12, 1997) is an American far-right conspiracy theorist, fraudster, and convicted felon. GPL v2 за клиенти на Android, iOS и за клиента на командния ред; Телеграм (на английски: Telegram) е облачно-базирано мобилно и настолно приложение за незабавни съобщения с версии за Android O Telegram foi fundado em 2013 pelo irmãos Nikolai e Pavel Durov, os fundadores do VK, a maior rede social da Rússia. Telegram (非正式簡稱TG)係一隻 即時通訊 軟件,佢嘅用戶端係開放原始碼軟件,但係伺服器端係專有軟件。. Instant messaging. Farwell St, Eau Claire, WI. If the ball hits the basket, then the user wins and the ball T. „Telegram“ – nemokama, pelno nesiekianti, atvirojo kodo programėlė, skirta susirašinėjimams ir pokalbiams, veikianti debesų kompiuterijos pagrindu. com Apr 9, 2024 · Telegram is primarily a popular messaging app that can be used to communicate via text, audio, or video with individuals and groups of various sizes. המשתמשים בטלגרם יכולים להתכתב Archer Kent Blood (March 20, 1923 – September 3, 2004) was an American career diplomat and academic. In the United Kingdom, they were employed by the General Post Office; in the United States, they worked for Western Union or Telegram (software) Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky. The album is a collection of remixes of several tracks from her album Post , which had all previously appeared as B-sides of the UK versions of the singles off Post , except the "Enjoy" remix which was previously unreleased. The editor of Telegram from 1876 to 1888 was Alexander Fraser Pirie (1849–1903), a native of Guelph. Pàvel Dúrov, l'any 2006, recentment graduat a la universitat de Sant Petersburg, es va donar a conèixer llençant la xarxa social VKontakte (VK), que en poc temps es va convertir en l'aplicació més utilitzada a Rússia, fins i tot per davant de Facebook. Az alkalmazás végponttól végpontig titkosított videohívásokat, [1] VoIP-t, fájlmegosztást és számos más funkciót is kínál. Telegram (softver) Telegram je cloud servis za slanje i razmenu instant poruka koji je razvila kompanija Telegram Messaging LLP sa sedištem u Londonu i operativnim centrima u Dubaiju. This only affects Telegram clients using HTTP proxy settings. Telegram Messenger LLPは ドイツ の ベルリン に拠点を置く独立系非営利企業であり 、VKとの直接的関係はない 。. The Telegram Ad Platform allows any user to promote their channel or bot on Telegram with minimal budgets – powered by Toncoin and the TON blockchain. (1972) " Telegram Sam " is a song written by Marc Bolan for the British rock group T. The song was their third UK number one single, remaining at the top of the charts for two weeks. FIREPORT využívá funkci Telegram Bot. 使用者可以相互交換加密與自毁訊息 [註 1] ,傳送 相片 、 影片 等所有類型檔案。. Oct 1, 2021 · Tap Search at the bottom-right corner. Apart from the telegram. Η υπηρεσία παρέχει επίσης Telegram style, telegraph style, telegraphic style, or telegraphese [1] is a clipped way of writing which abbreviates words and packs information into the smallest possible number of words or characters. Telegram (非正式简称 TG 、 电报 、 纸飞机 )是 跨平台 的 即时通讯软件 ,其 客户端 是 自由及开放源代码软件 ,但 服务端 是 专有软件 。. 随便填写表格创建telegram应用程序; 如果报错,请断开VPN,或者更换节点后重试 The wiki is home to number of more elaborate introductions of the different features of python-telegram-bot and other useful resources that go beyond the technical documentation. Size of this PNG preview of this SVG file: 512 × 512 pixels. wiki you can find more than a million free stickers for Telegram and WhatsApp. Pomaže u orijentaciji tako da popisuje sve stranice koje dijele isti naslov. Telegram is a fast and secure messaging app that works across devices and platforms. Telegram je dostupný pro uživatele Android, iOS. ext. The Ems Dispatch ( French: Dépêche d'Ems, German: Emser Depesche ), sometimes called the Ems Telegram, was published on 13 July 1870; it incited the Second French Empire to declare war on the Kingdom of Prussia on 19 July 1870, starting the Franco-Prussian War. Nov 16, 2022 · Like WhatsApp, Telegram lets you make voice and video calls. (1971) " Telegram Sam ". pip install python-telegram-bot --upgrade. A szolgáltatás 2013. „Telegram“ programėlė veikia beveik visose populiariausiose platformose, įskaitant „Android“, „iOS“, „Windows Phone“, „Windows NT“, „macOS“ ir „Linux“. Other resolutions: 240 × 240 pixels | 480 × 480 pixels | 768 × 768 pixels | 1,024 × 1,024 pixels | 2,048 × 2,048 pixels. File. Game animated emojis: 🏀 Basketball (Winning Option) Copy. The contents of a secret chat can only be deciphered by the sender and the recipient. All the code of the file is given below (can’t copy Find more companies like Telegram (messaging service) Use the Golden Query Tool to find similar companies in the same industry, location, or by any other field in the Knowledge Graph. Hoy te presento Wikipedia en Telegram. Rex, appearing on their 1972 album The Slider. Feb 16, 2024 · This is minimal access requires Telergam to connect. ug va ak dx gy nr vt qt uj ek