Mame reference rom set. Nov 1, 2018 · I created a utility for this purpose which, as you might guess, is my preferred way to deal with your scenario: Simple Arcade Multifilter - app for MAME and FB Alpha ROM sets. 139) FB Alpha 2016 Reference (Complete FBA v0. Stars. 3) In the file manager, look at the directory location ('directory' is also called 'folder' in windows). But launchbox also offers copy files functionality under the tools menu. Here is a non-exhaustive list of MAME bios files (based on rom set 0. Jan 31, 2024 · mame 0. xml: 07-Apr-2024 14:06: 5. xml contains metadata about this torrent's contents. Apr 26, 2018 · Description "Bubble Bobble w/ Mode Select" (rom name: bublbobr) from the MAME 2003 Full Non-merged Reference Set no longer works on the MAME 2003 Plus core. info. 7. 223, but probably missing chd files if you're using the arcade 0. Sega Genesis - Megadrive - 32X (GoodGen 3. 9K: MAME0. I'm using Roms from a Mame 2003 Plus and Mame 2003 reference set. It is cross platform (tested on Linux (Ubuntu), Windows, and MacOS). 78_ROMs_CHDs_Samples_thumb. txt: 05-Feb-2018 03:09: 195 Ideally, the version associated with whatever roms you download should match the version of MAME you are using. Author (s): MAMEdev. The fact that the software is usable. txt format (like -listfull)". The emulator now supports over seven thousand unique games and ten thousand actual ROM image sets, though not all of the supported games are playable. 78 emulator when importing I get Pleasuredome have a discord and github repository where I think you can download a non merged set. I am trying to setup Retropie and I cannot find a good torrent for the MAME 2003 Reference Set: MAME 0. The source code to MAME. Using Full Non-merged ROM sets means that every . jpg: 22-Feb-2019 17:55: 5. It still works in the regular MAME 2003 core however. So far, all the games I actually wanted to play work great with v1. 2xx CHDs (merged)], you should see a small pop-up menu. 78 reference set and I'm having some trouble. Feb 16, 2017 · For MAME I already have the MAME2003 reference set (0. Jan 12, 2017 · MAME 2000 Reference (Complete MAME 0. 78) MAME 2003-Plus Reference; AdvanceMAME 2006 Reference Complete MAME 0. 139 sets. Compatible with MAME 0. g. The MAME is a popular emulator that is common on most gamer's computers. Many sites don't specify which mame revision the rom is for. 37b. e. ini file. 106-Reference-Set-ROMs Create a new issue to let us know! The MAME 2003 core accepts MAME 0. 37b5) MAME 2003 Reference Set (Complete MAME 0. •. created by ia_make_torrent. lr-Mame2003 uses 0. creation date Wed Oct 5 11:54:45 2016. The rom set you have should match the version you are using. I've been testing various games today and I have a few quirks I've noticed and some ROMs I've discovered are not working. The other versions of MAME cores, are for a specific purpose, and you need to use exactly the same named set of roms. Size. 225_CHDs_merged. edit: for now if you use the Multifilter or another filtering tool you’ll have to stick with the MAME 2003 catver. 106-Reference-Set-ROMs-CHDs-Samples_reviews. 2K: MAME2003_Reference_Set_MAME0. 78 ROMsets. Apr 16, 2018 · Save Page Now. zip (Bootable ROM) ROMS\cvs2\gdl-0008. 7z I have no idea what this is. This is achieved by documenting the hardware and how it functions. You can press 'A' when starting a ROM to select which emu to use (e. The moment they are approved (we approve submissions twice a day. 14 watching Forks. zip ( View Contents) CD-ROM Images; ZX Spectrum; DOOM Level CD; Books. 208 would be better than 0 197, but 0. Some roms change from one version to the next, but not many, so some people try to find a small download of only the change roms when updating, instead of downloading a large full new romset. 216. May 19, 2022 · 1) In qBittorrent: In the [Transfers] tab, right click the torrent name [MAME 0. 1. Core ROM Sets (split and merged are recommended) Full Pack: MAME ROMs v0. Like the same, with the GroovyMAME 0. 211 would be best. xml: 12-Mar-2022 16:48: 984. ini” and open it with a text editor (like Notepad). com or use the features on the sourceforge site to create a ticket, leave a review, or chat. Readme Activity. 0 . mame2003-plus can be used on a lot of different devices and consoles. MAME 0. 260-roms-fullset-no-clones Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. 2GB). 255 ROMs (bios-devices). 221 ROMs (merged) Topics. Refer to the Arcade page for more information about ROM set types. 72 on the nintendo switch. 78 - 25 Dec 2003 - mame078s. 9K: mame-0. documenting the hardware and how it functions. 0B: mame-2003-plus-reference-set_reviews. NeoGeo Set Part 04. 2 , so waiting for the next milestone release is no big deal. 252. 78 with mame2003 (for RetroPie) seems to be a popular choice. Good romset for android devices. Name. There is no reason to hold Merged, Un-Merged and Split versions of this collection. Jan 24, 2017 · The resulting set of ROMs will feature a USA version of a game whenever possible, then look for a EUR region ROM for that title, and finally use the JPN only if no USA or EUR ROMs are in the folder. OP should look into getting the latest set that matches the latest version of mame. Stage 2: Open "exported. Merged: BIOS files (as well as multiple versions of the game) are placed inside the ROM, no separate BIOS is required. 38) MAME 2016 Reference Set - Romsets and Samples; ROM Set Format: Full Non-Merged. To avoid having several menus for different arcade Jul 7, 2022 · The arcade pack which is supposed to be all Mame 2003 has a FBA 2012 romset mixed in that won't work in 2003. 106-Reference-Set-ROMs-CHDs-Samples_files. Feb 1, 2022 · The first public MAME release (0. 139RomCollectionByGhostware Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t48q2fd23 MAME 0. The arcade ROM sets, devices and BIOSes. there are sites that haven't updated in years and have versions of roms that were changed a dozen versions ago and no longer work. txt". As electronic. 78) MAME 0. 3K: MAME2003_Reference_Set_MAME0. All files are compress using 7z to reduce file size. mame2003-plus has the ability to generate an XML "DAT" file from the MAME Menu. This set includes all BIOS and CHD files needed to make each game run, so everything should work correctly if you've set up a proper MAME 0. maybe you want to try lr-fbalpha for a NG game). The latest version of MAME is probably NOT the best version to run for most people. 139-rom-collection-by-retro-god_meta. 97. E. zip). • 7 yr. zip in this collection is complete and can be used stand-alone in MAME 0. Stage 3: Profit! Dec 14, 2018 · MAME2003_Reference_Set_MAME0. 39) Console ROM Reference Sets: 3DO 2017 Reference Set (Redump validated) Mar 23, 2021 · mame-2003-plus-reference-set_files. mame0259 MAME 0. zip-----Release notes. 78 ROMs, CHDs, and Samples. MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework it's purpose is to preserve decades of software history. Some of the games you can download here and play include The King of Fighters 2002, Marvel Vs. Return to the folder where you extracted the MAME emulator files. Depends on what emu you want to use. 37b5 sets will not work correctly with the MAME 2003 or MAME 2010 emulator cores. Each month MAME provide a new release. zip in this Mar 29, 2022 · To find the site simply search Google for "pleasuredome mame". 106) MAME 2010 Reference (Complete MAME 0. Insert the . The process of creating these files is known as dumping. I've searched around and around and tried out a couple of different things to try and cut my complete most recent set of lr-fba-next roms down to a less imposing set of games. 48 forks Report repository Releases Oct 29, 2021 · Step-by-step guide to create a full MAME ROMs set (non-merged) or (split), using clrmamepro. Nominate for Retro Game of the Day: If you'd like to nominate MAME 0. DAT files describe the exact ROM contents that the emulator needs including filenames, file sizes, and checksums to verify contents are not incorrect or corrupt. 78. Mame, MAME, ROM, ROMS, rom, roms, 221, 0. 37b5 codebase. - Out of about 2200 I've only found 2 that didn't work perfect. 78_ROMs_CHDs_Samples_meta. Jan 1, 2005 · Tested with: OpenEmu using the MAME 0. May 15, 2016 · Note #2: This tutorial assumes that you already have a complete ROMset from a previous MAME version. For playing you're right. sqlite: 23-Mar-2021 14:43: 11. info about all the changes and new games added. ), you will be able to nominate this title as retro game of the day! (a nominate button will show up on this page. 2xx ROMs (merged)] or [MAME 0. png Feb 22, 2019 · MAME0. 4 days ago · MAME 2003-Plus has the ability to generate an XML "DAT" file directly from the MAME menu. NeoGeo Set Part 03. ) needed to run games on that version of MAME. 219 environment. 106-Reference-Set-ROMs-CHDs-Samples_meta. Jul 27, 2021 · On each new version of MAME changes are made to the way it works along with updates to some of the ROM files. 4K: mame-2003-plus-reference-set_thumb. ROMs are read-only files. Full Non-Merged ROM romset zips include all the files needed to run that game, including any ROMs from 'parent' ROM sets and BIOS sets. 6K: MAME_2016_Arcade_Romsets_reviews. This saves some space, but isn’t quite as efficient as a merged set. 37b5 rom set and all needed bios files. Oct 27, 2016 · CD-ROM Software Library; Software Sites; Tucows Software Library; Shareware CD-ROMs; Software Capsules Compilation; CD-ROM Images; ZX Spectrum; DOOM Level CD; Books. Capcom Play System 2 - CPS2 Set. Since there are so many versions of MAME games, games on the emulator get bugged many, many times. software Aug 26, 2021 · Most of the games in Mame require the zipped rom to launch the game and the CHD supports it. MAME (an acronym of Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) is a free and open source emulator designed to recreate the hardware of arcade game systems in software on modern personal computers and other platforms. cuavas. Using a Non-Merged set means that every . mame-0. 005. MAME Collection. xml: 12-Mar-2022 16:46: 3. This is important if you are looking to organize your roms, and take o The way mame roms are scattered around the internet is a mess. 232 emulator you need a valid 0. It is saved in your UI folder. This directory and the files within it may be erased once retrieval completes. 28. if you are running MAME 0. Also, some of those games are hacks too. 7K: mame-0. BIOS files must be placed at the root of the Sep 19, 2022 · In today’s video we take a Merged set of Mame and we rebuild it into a Non-Merged set. xml: 29-Sep-2023 15:29: 1. Amiga Fullset. If you don’t have a complete ROMset than I would suggest to just grab a complete set for the current MAME version and return to this tutorial if you want to update it in the future. Any good place to find MAME 2003 Plus Roms for Retroarch. Oct 25, 2020 · CD-ROM Software Library; Software Sites; Tucows Software Library; Shareware CD-ROMs; Files for MAME_0. 139 Rom Collection By Ghostware Addeddate 2018-01-05 18:49:46 Identifier MAME0. Failing that, the numbers should be as close as possible. however as you've bought an unlicensed and illegal pre loaded retropie system, i don't know what version it is running or whether it has been changed. 4K: mame-2003-plus Mar 23, 2021 · retrorom, mame, arcade. 0. So far, 1943, AvP, Altered Beast, Crystal Castles, Final Fight, Ghouls n Ghosts, Ghosts n Goblins, SFII WW, Sunset Sep 27, 2022 · mame 0. After almost two months, we’re ready to release MAME 0. Files for roms. mame2003 for windows: 0. zip on mame. If page exceeds 1TB, it will span across multiple pages. Jun 22, 2020 · MAME 0. That's why we put it in the r/mame ROMs FAQ, questions 7 and 7a. A couple of games aren't in the PlayStation category that I'm surprised are missing like Ridge Racer and Wipeout 3. Books to Borrow Open Library. 202 Software List ROMs (merged) (55. Sep 26, 2019 · Find the ROM set (Reference Set) that has all the games you like first, then install the MAME version for that set. 37b5 and emulators derived from the MAME 0. That's all merged means. MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework. There are a few exceptions that are CHD only games like Golden Tee Fore 2005 and 2006. Sep 17, 2016 · ROM Set Format: Full Non-Merged. All regions with releases in a given system are supported (in other words you could set a preference of Spain > Europe > USA > Italy > Japan > etc. org (the links follow next) then use update packs to bring these sets up to date. chd (CHD) CHD files requires to be inside the folder with the same name as bootable ROM, in the ROMs directory. It's hard to find a package with arcade games focused on mame4droid mobile. Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade video games that were its MAME 2015 Reference: Full Non-Merged Arcade Romsets. ini” file, you’ll find a line that says “rompath”. No separate CPS1 2 and 3. The only issue is you get no savings in storage because the entire set (already compressed) isn't zipped up. Request. Non-merged is most convenient if you want to cherry-pick a few games to put on a USB stick and take with you and you don't want to worry about parents or device ROMs. Capcom Play System 1 - CPS1 Set. If I try to set the MAME version to the 0. 0K: MAME0. 73 GB. Merging explained: A split set is one where the parent set contains all of the normal data it should, and the clone sets contain only what has changed as compared to the parent set. Where to Download Reference ROM Sets. In order to successfully load zipped ROM sets in these locations you must specify the arcade emulator version which matches your ROMs. This allows you to download individual games. Last modified. This guide will help you to create a clean set of ROMs and ensure you join the latest MAME ROMs torrent with the highest percentage possible! note In case a dir2dat is available for the set you are about to create, it's advised to use this easier guide Dec 6, 2023 · To install MAME ROMs on your PC, you need to first download the MAME emulator software from the official website or from one of the emulator front-end systems such as RetroPie or LaunchBox. Name Last modified Size; Go to parent Feb 21, 2023 · mame 0. I'm looking for a couple hundred of the best/most popular games. A reference set is specific to a MAME version and contains all the ROMs (device, BIOS, etc. 37b5 ROMsets are required by the MAME 2000 emulator, but MAME 0. Mame 0. You should find this page: From here scroll down to find the full sets, you are looking for this section: For the typical users what you want is either the merged or split sets, which would be the 1st and 3rd links in the picture above. Be the first Nov 1, 2016 · CD-ROM Software Library; Software Sites; Tucows Software Library; Shareware CD-ROMs; Software Capsules Compilation; CD-ROM Images; ZX Spectrum; DOOM Level CD; Books. In particular, the modules MAME uses to handle input and output (e. Nov 27, 2019 · mame 0. no bios needed. 244 set, with the 0. 2K: MAME_2016_Arcade_Romsets_meta. 4 Source Oh its easy. 7K. jpg: 28-Mar-2021 11:58: 5. Alternatively you can right click on the desktop shortcut made by the install and choose open file location and then you can open the 'roms' folder for the rom files. I use the All Killer, No Filler MAME Gamelists Directory that you can google for, it includes a script for deleting every other game that isn't on the list from the the romset. 8K: MAME_2016_Arcade_Romsets Nov 13, 2018 · here is a download for a full romset for the MAME2003-Plus core for Retroarch. CHDs of child ROMs can be contained in the folder of the CHD for the parent ROM and MAME will know to look for it there. ) Update on MAME 2003 Plus ROM compatibility. png . Nov 26, 2017 · Perfect for RetroPie systems! The pack includes 342 different arcade games, with a total file size of 1. Just find the directory in which you installed mame and then open the roms folder. 161 ROMS for Retro Game of the Day, please submit a screenshot and description for it. Featured. 8K: MAME0. "vintage" software from being lost and forgotten. Note: Archives are arranged by regions or folders. This core is a popular choice for the Raspberry Pi family and other low-powered hardware because it supports most 2D-era arcade games and a broad set of features without requiring as much processor and memory resources as later MAME cores. Atari ST. 39) ROM Set Format: Non-Merged. MAME's purpose is to preserve decades of software history. Feb 18, 2019 · MAME_2016_Arcade_Romsets_archive. torrent: 20-Apr-2021 17:17: 499. 255): 2MB. 225, and it's certainly not the complete MAME chd set, due the arcade curating rules. plus-circle Add Review. Merged sets minimise the space used and also minimise the number of files if you're trying to get a complete ROM set. Copy the downloaded ROM files into the ROMs folder you created in step 4. MAME’s purpose is to preserve decades of software history. In your situation, sounds like starting from scratch with latest official . Stage 1: Start MAME, Select ALL, click Disk Icon near the top center screen and choose "Export in . Jan 5, 2019 · Save Page Now. 0K: mame-2003-plus-reference-set_meta. Reviews There are no reviews yet. 78_ROMs_CHDs_Samples_reviews. 7. . 228 romset. Mar 4, 2019 · MAME 2010 Reference Set - Romsets and Samples; MAME 2010 Reference Set - CHDs; MAME 2015 Reference Set - Romsets and Samples; Final Burn Alpha 2016 Reference Collection (Complete FBA 0. The intention is to preserve gaming history by preventing May 3, 2024 · MAME 2003 is a libretro arcade system emulator core originally derived from xmame 0. 6M: mame-2003-plus-reference-set_meta. sqlite: 22-Feb-2019 18:41: 8. 246 core, it will work ‘almost’ in its entirety. Resources. 232 romset. I find that the best place to find MAME EX:acedrvrw. 78_ROMs_CHDs_Samples_torrent. 37b5 Rom Collection By Ghostware Item Preview 005. Most games are compatible across different versions but you might find that a few games don’t work if you haven’t downloaded the correct reference set. 139) MAME 2014 Reference Set (Complete MAME 0. . That's what I do and then I create an empty folder in /roms that reminds me of the rom set version. 106 Reference Set; MAME 2010 Reference Set (Complete MAME 0. xml: 02-Sep-2023 18:22: 29. 4K: MAME_2016_Arcade_Romsets_files. 2019-03-04 2019-03-04. Once you have the emulator software installed, you can download the ROMs from one of the websites mentioned above and place them in the “roms” folder in Mame doesn't work that way. 6. 261. 185. 239 romset would solve your issues. xml: 25-Mar-2024 07:19: 28. xml: 08-Feb-2024 00:10: 1. For example, MAME 0. 1) was on February 5, 1997, by Nicola Salmoria. 252, the first MAME release of 2023! As promised, there are some big updates, and some of them may require you to make a few adjustments to your MAME setups. Nov 29, 2023 · mame 0. ISO MAME 2003 Reference Set: MAME 0. This it's the full set for Arcade 0. ) Mame2000 set 0. zip ( View Contents) 16-Apr-2018 06:44. zip's of each ROM into the The first public MAME release (0. zip in this collection is a Jun 22, 2016 · AdvanceMAME 2006 Reference Complete MAME 0. 221. Thank you very much friend. It's great to know that there are people who help organize and set up folders with them working. I understand MAME2003 strikes a good balance for MAME and Retropie. 159) Final Burn Alpha 2016 Reference Set (Complete FB Alpha v0. 228, you’ll need a valid MAME 0. Option 2. They're all mixed in with Mame. 228 requirement. Custom properties. sqlite: 29-Sep-2023 08:49: 20. Aug 7, 2020 · ROMS\cvs2. 5K: MAME2003_Reference_Set_MAME0. xml: 07-Apr-2024 14:06: 23. dat file let you check all your roms are compliant with the 0. Using Non-merged ROM sets means that every . The one on the archive site is a bad download . 211, then something like 0. ago. Non-merged wastes a lot of disk space on Try using the /roms/mame-libretro folder instead. 2 players, no light gun or trackball. Feb 19, 2021 · I'm trying to import and trim a MAME 2003 0. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes, Cadillacs And Dinosaurs, The King Of Fighters XI and many others. Multi Emulator Super System (MESS) is an emulator for many game consoles and computer systems, based on the MAME Mar 16, 2021 · Addeddate 2021-03-16 20:43:52 Identifier mame-2003-plus-reference-set Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. Larger files are compress individually. Non-Merged ROM romset zips include all the files needed to run that game, including any ROMs from 'parent' romsets. As electronic technology continues to rush forward, MAME prevents this important "vintage" software from being lost and forgotten. 139-rom-collection-by-retro-god_archive. Sep 29, 2023 · Thank you very much. xml: 22-Feb-2019 18:49: 4. So to play your MAME roms with the LibRetro’s MAME 0. 2. 197 (merged) 58. The . CD-ROM Software Library; Software Sites; Tucows Software Library; Shareware CD-ROMs; Software Capsules Compilation; CD-ROM Images; ZX Spectrum; DOOM Level CD; Books. Look for a file called “mame. 00) NeoGeo Set Part 02. xml: 25-May-2020 18:09: 3. xml: 05-Jul-2022 21:20: 1. In the “mame. You can use a 0. comment. If it's a torrent then you can just uncheck everything then Mar 11, 2019 · Save Page Now. org. Multi Emulator Super System (MESS) is an emulator for many game consoles and computer systems, based on the MAME Jan 5, 2018 · MAME 0. ROM set version 0. 262. A non-merged set contains a full copy Feb 7, 2022 · In this video, we show you How to easily set up and play your favorite MAME Arcade games with LaunchBox and Big Box using the newly updated Mame Arcade Full Jan 2, 2016 · Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. 139-rom-collection-by-retro-god_files. 30 stars Watchers. 2) Left click [Open destination folder], a file manager should pop up. But know they are only supposed to work with their specified romsets. May 13, 2017 · This is a collection of ROMs (images) for all machine types in MAME version 0. 248. Add a Comment. Recommended to use RetroArch for various platform. Easiest is to put them in the arcade folder and then they should work. Most of the collections of ROMs I've seen on archive allow the viewing of contents within folders and supported compressed files (i. serves as this documentation. Go to parent directory. 37b5) MAME 2003 Reference (Complete MAME 0. Cutting Down MAME RomSet to Best Of. 239 mame build and finding a 0. Thanks in advance. 139-rom-collection-by-retro Three of the available MAME ROM paths in RetroPie are shared directories which are used by more than one emulator: arcade, mame-libretro, mame-advmame. 05 GB Format: . This is achieved by. Nov 19, 2023 · mame-0. 1941. 78) from READ THE FORUM RULES!. Download out-of-date ROM sets from archive. Sort by: Quadradic. the "reference set" is unmerged which means that all the zips are self contained. 9GB. pfeMAME is a front end for the Multiple Arcade Game Emulator (MAME) written in Python. Step 1: Obtaining an XML DAT¶. 2M: MAME_2016_Arcade_Romsets_meta. I'm looking to find a place where i can pick my roms normally, not download every arcade rom in existence and later just deleting them (which takes forever) any sites, preferably the Internet Archive. htt Aug 16, 2016 · 1) In qBittorrent: In the [Transfers] tab, right click the torrent name [MAME 0. Non-Merged ROM romset zips include all the files needed to run that Jul 13, 2016 · MAME 2000 Reference Set (Complete MAME 0. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Dec 6, 2021 · I'm as tech-savvy as it goes (programmer), but even so can't be bothered to learn the nuances of the MAME ROM set. 3. 1K: MAME0. 219 core File count (uncompressed): 3,531 File size (uncompressed): 139. sqlite: 23-Mar-2019 02:18: 3. Each version of an arcade emulator must be used with ROMs that have the same exact version number. 0K: mame-0. 0. It's much easier to get the whole reference set and just keep what you want. Smaller files are compress as a single archive. Aug 25, 2022 · It is usually updated to the latest version, although, sometimes it has a slight delay. 161 CHDs. chd and . Note: the file MAME2003_Reference_Set_MAME0. xml. xml: 02-Sep-2023 18:22: 2. you can also use this romset on mame72 release7 for xbox 360 and mamenx 0. The source code to MAME serves as this MAME 2003-Plus (also referred to as MAME 2003+ and mame2003-plus) is a libretro arcade system emulator core with an emphasis on high performance and broad compatibility with mobile devices, single board computers, embedded systems, and similar platforms. video, sound and controllers) have been cleaned Jan 21, 2024 · You can email mailto:pfemame@gmail. 259 Assets 8 👍 4 grimson73, Davidian1024, akmsw, and MistyDreams reacted with thumbs up emoji 🎉 7 BackSpace54, deadblackclover, agaxia, grimson73, 2Lias, Davidian1024, and ggnam reacted with hooray emoji ️ 3 grimson73, Davidian1024, and hasecilu reacted with heart emoji 👀 6 AngryScotsmanGaming, deadblackclover, agaxia For starters, I suggest using The Internet Archive to download something called a “reference” ROM set for the exact MAME version you’re using. torrent: 29-Sep-2023 15:29: 38. A split set contains all the main ROM files in a Parent, with the clone versions containing only the files changed to make that clone work. CHDs can technically be merged in the same way ROMs can be. bw vb jw eg pm aq ee jc wz wd