Esphome changelog
Esphome changelog. ESPHome Web runs 100% in your browser. 2. This core ESPHome component sets up WiFi connections to access points for you. This installation needs be done by attaching the device to your computer via a cable. 3%. pip install tornado esptool \ esphome dashboard config. For those who love to geek out on the nitty-gritty details, the full changelog for the dashboard is available for your perusal over on GitHub. if you have a light. Buzzer Module ¶. Jan 19, 2022 · Louder ESP32, a Hi-Fi Class-D audio amplifier running ESPHome! ET-P1101 – A DIY ESPHome Panasonic Climate interface; ET-SM01 – DIY DSMR P1 smart meter; ESPHome Underflooor heating Pump Switch – ET-PS01; Interesting ESPHome release 2023. Fix hover docs for platform: element. The esp32_ble_tracker binary sensor platform (not the global hub) has been renamed to ble_presence. Add small delay before setting up app in safe mode esphome#3323 by @jesserockz. Webserver utilize Component Iterator to not overload eventstream esphome#3310 by @jesserockz. Dec 8, 2022 · Along with some of these bluetooth changes is a change to the underlying flash partition table that ESPHome uses. esphome: Upgrade espressif32 package to 1. woff) font file at any size, as well as fixed-size PCF and BDF bitmap fonts. Fix WDT reset during dallas search algorithm esphome#3293 by @wysiwyng. LibreTiny¶. RP2040: GPIO26 through GPIO29 can be used. 0 esphome#3881 by @jesserockz. The modbus_controller component creates a RS485 connection to control a Modbus server (slave) device, letting your ESPHome node to act as a Modbus client (master). On the ESP32, this sensor is even highly accurate because it’s using the hardware pulse counter peripheral on the ESP32. @esphome_. The updated ESPHome Dashboard New sensors in ESPHome 1. org. 9. On each boot, the ESP8266 will check three pins to determine in which boot mode to enter. bme280’. 2 release has been out since July 2021 but ESPHome just did not bump the default until now. rst Jun 1, 2022 · v2022. The I²C Bus is required to be set up in your configuration for this sensor to work. Don’t try to get IPv6 addresses when disabled esphome#6366 by @HeMan. If I check the logs, it goes to scan but nothing is showing up after that like it used to. VEML7700 and VEML6030 are basically the same but in different packages. Platform not found: ‘sensor. Configuration variables: number ( Required, pin): The pin number. If you have multiple batteries you need to connect to the master battery’s console port. LibreTiny is a platform for the RTL87xx and BK72xx family of chips. This section tells ESPHome to enable OTA updates on your device. Feb 6, 2022 · The recommended (and therefore default) version of Arduino for ESP8266 devices has been bumped to 3. tom_l October 12, 2023, 4:34am 46. install ready-made project. https://esphome. This component uses a custom implementation not developed by original authors and currently available for ESP32 and ESP8266 platforms only. I took out the update_interval option and coded throttle_average value in the filter option. Improve config final validation esphome#1917 by @OttoWinter. Dec 21, 2023 · The I2C bus supports multiple devices, so you only have to define one bus. timezone ( Optional, string): Manually tell ESPHome what time zone to use with this format (warning: the format is quite complicated, see examples ) or the simpler TZ database name in the form <Region>/<City>. 7. 1 - March 23 ¶. variant ( Optional, string): The variant of the ESP32 that is used on this board. Once configured, you can use any of the 16 pins as pins for your projects. No data will leave your computer. i2c: sda: GPIO4. 8. esphome: a4988 wait 1ms when coming out of sleep esphome#1597 by @WeekendWarrior1. switch: - platform: gpio. # Example configuration entry sensor: - platform: adc pin: GPIOXX name: "Living Room ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy Tracker Hub ¶. # Example configuration entry esphome: name: livingroom comment: Living room ESP32 controller area: Living Room esp32: board: nodemcu-32s. The same goes for ESPHome and many other self-hosted home automation software commonly used. Adds goto definition ( F12 or ctrl-click on ids) Completion suggests !lambda on templatable properties. 6 Schema. We hope that this will not confuse everyone too much =). You will have to build a simple circuit to interface with your stove. There are three boot modes: You can identify these on boot-up by looking at the UART output, the first number in the boot mode: line tells you what mode was selected. These fonts can be used in ESPHome’s own rendering engine. core: Remove hard dependencies in library. 3. This release is quite different from the last one, it doesn’t focus that much on new integrations with a “modest” amount of 7 new integrations. # Example configuration entry switch: - platform: restart name: "Living Room Restart". These units were made by Chamberlain and sold through Bunnings. catacluj October 12, 2023, 4:33am 45. temperature_sensor. It is helpful to watch the "esphome in" messages to learn which type and range of commands are expected by your device. You can access the coils, inputs, holding, read registers from your devices as sensors, switches, selects, numbers or various other ESPHome components and Aug 4, 2023 · Adding the OTA Component: In the YAML file, you need to add an ota: section. Sep 14, 2020 · The HTML and JavaScript files have gone through a bit of a spring-cleaning. No, most of the development has been focused on improving the core architecture Nov 3, 2021 · Changelog for ESPHome 2021. pepe59 (Pepe59) December 31, 2023, 2:35pm 5. io. If you only use one bus, you can change the i2c part in your yaml to. Jan 3, 2022 · Today we’re launching a new variant of the ESPHome dashboard: ESPHome Web – https://web. 1 - June 18 ¶. The template datetime platform allows you to create a datetime with templated values using lambdas. I use them to collect data from some Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC temp/hum sensors. You should ALWAYS read complete changelog BEFORE updating anything, that includes ESPHome addon. esphome. See Setting up devices for information on how you can determine the MAC address of a device and track it using ESPHome. esphome: Add ability to run commands using subprocess, instead of in-process esphome#359 by @dotlambda. Changelog for ESPHome version 1. Fix: midea_ac: fixed query status frame esphome#1922 by @dudanov. Bump esphome-dashboard to 20221007. The template alarm control panel platform allows you to turn your binary sensors into a state machine managed alarm control panel. 2 (fix) v. g. ESPHome is an open source project by Nabu Casa. 0 esphome#355. Entity state attributes can also be imported: Open it using the following button then click on INSTALL: If you do not have the official ESPHome add-on repository added you can add with this button: After that, wait a bit until it is installed (this can take a while). ESPHome Web allows you to prepare your device for first use, install new versions and check the device logs directly from your browser. The Analog To Digital ( adc) Sensor allows you to use the built-in ADC in your device to measure a voltage on certain pins. 15. The two channels can be controlled individually or together. MAX3232-based transceivers have been tested and work well. This is Feb 2, 2023 · If you run ESPHome separately from HA (separate Docker container, for example) and have existing ESPHome devices that are now warning about deprecated passwords following an HA update to 2023. io documentation files. The sensor works optically by emitting short infrared pulses and measuring the time it takes the light to be reflected back. esphome: Fix filter_out: nan filer esphome#486. This is due to having less RAM and CPU power available to run all of the things at the same time. 21. 7 or newer for the entity to show up and be control from that side. Alarm Control Panel ¶. The first lines when viewing the UART logs might have unrecognized characters. People have noticed that trying to compile their projects on machine such as the Raspberry Pi 3 would crash either the whole machine or the ESPHome add-on, or Home Assistant. Mar 2, 2024 · Beta Changes ¶. The pulse counter sensor allows you to count the number of pulses and the frequency of a signal on any pin. It uses I²C Bus for communication. Not sure if I'm the outlier here, but I've been getting frustrated with updating my ESPHome boards. fix servo restore esphome#6370 by @ssieb. After adding an api: line to your ESPHome configuration you can go to the Home Assistant web interface and navigate to the “Integrations” screen in Aug 31, 2023 · Home Assistant, ESPHome, and Self-Hosted Software Changelogs. Contribute to esphome/esphome-docs development by creating an account on GitHub. 2 v. Source for esphome. However, due to the use of the pulse counter peripheral, a maximum of 8 channels can be used! The homeassistant sensor platform allows you to create sensors that import states from your Home Assistant instance using the native API. CSS and JS URL’s are set to empty value, so no internet access is needed for this device to show it’s web interface. datetime: # Example Date - platform: template id: my_date type: date name: Pick a Date optimistic: yes initial_value: "2024-01-30" restore_value: true # Example Time - platform: template id: my_time type: time name: Pick a Example web_server version 1 configuration with CSS and JS included from esphome-docs. Four but within more or less one week (last week, two weeks ago). Mar 1, 2022 · Release 2022. WireGuard Component¶. I only know of two options. docs: Sonoff S20 yaml fix docs#200 by @BananaPukeh. If you want to create and edit ESPHome projects, install ESPHome on your computer or inside Home Oct 12, 2023 · Changelog for ESPHome 2023. Within ESPHome they emulate a real internal GPIO pin and can therefore be used with many of ESPHome’s components such as the GPIO ESPHome’s graphical rendering engine also has a powerful font drawer which integrates seamlessly into the system. I am wondering if I missed something about Oct 1, 2022 · Changelog for ESPHome 2022. 0 - 2021-07-29 ; Sync schema with ESPHome v1. 6. Pylontech RJ45 Console Port (US2000C, US3000C) ¶. IR Remote Climate ¶. Mark your calendar for the State of the Open Smart Home hosted by Nabu Casa, Home Assistant & ESPHome and we’ll be joined by our friends from WLED and Z-Wave JS to talk about our work on making this vision a reality. 0 or later. # Example configuration entry alarm_control_panel: - platform: template name: Alarm Panel codes: - "1234" binary_sensors: - input: zone_1 - input: zone_2 bypass_armed_home: true. ESP32: GPIO32 through GPIO39 can be used. etesync; Changelog; ethercalc. Force to turn off OTA function because the missing authentication. 18. There are a bunch of new integrations this release as seen above and a few breaking changes below. The remote transmitter switch has been removed and a template switch with the new actions should be used. esphome: Fix dashboard password with python 3 Oct 1, 2023 · Changelog for ESPHome 2023. Maybe ESPHome will support python 2 for 1 or 2 releases after that but really I want to drop support for python 2 as soon as possible. Other notable changes; Breaking Changes ESPHome is an open source project by Nabu Casa. 1 🎉 esphome: Added receive for Fujitsu ACs esphome#1577 by @alex-richards. This page is a lite variant of ESPHome. Lacking that and you encounter this problem. Changelog - Version 1. 2%. WireGuard® is an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography. State of the Open Smart Home¶. docs: Add example for human readable uptime sensor docs#923 by @fredrike. Allow actions in web_server to be executed via GET method esphome#5938 by @afarago. ) The red cable should be connected to VCC (3. 0 Feb 25, 2024 · Has something changed lately to this sensor. Some example message payloads are: // to set a light on: msg. 2 or later, here’s how to fix: Go here, and copy the randomly-generated base64 key (or generate your own). Aug 1, 2021 · Bump aioesphomeapi from 24. Aug 2, 2021 · Since starting monthly cycles, it just made sense to make this release, ESPHome 2021. INA219 DC Current Sensor. Connect your device to your PC, a few clicks in the browser and your ESPHome device is ready to do its magic - as a Bluetooth proxy or a media player. Some devices have adapter built into the circuit board (and some even have the programmer embedded in the MCU, in which case things are a bit easier. OTA will work, but to fully take advantage of the performance increases for bluetooth, it is best to at least one serial flash with ESPHome 2022. by migrating from Tasmota. Changelog for ESPHome 2023. 1 - March 20 ¶. There is a growing list of compatible units. You talk about change, but what does that change tell us? Yaml esp cannot be compiled if So the plan for ESPHome is to drop python 2 as soon as possible. If your unit is not listed below you should submit a feature request (see FAQ). otf, . The SparkFun Qwiic PIR Motion binary sensor uses PIR sensors to detect motion. yaml The configuration. If you see “502: Bad Gateway” it is currently starting, and you can IR Remote Climate. The only required pin is the black or brown cable (which is used to transmit data. It is likely that this component will also work with other older Chamberlain garage door openers. You have the option to use any OpenType/TrueType ( . Modbus Controller. Unleash the potential of your device by installing ready-made ESPHome projects from this page. 4. You can configure a debounce mode to reduce noise and false detections. This is available to use now in ESPHome, but will require Home Assistant 2023. ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy Tracker Hub. Because of this, we have decided that we would deprecate the ESPHome addon inside the Community Addons and everyone should move to the ESPHome repo. ttf, . @esphome@fosstodon. It is recommended to set a friendly_name in the ESPHome configuration. To use your dallas sensor, first define a dallas “hub” with a pin and id, which you will later use to create the sensors. Add some components to the new testing framework (P) esphome#6213 by @kbx81. Fix scripts: completions not working ESPHome is a system to control your microcontrollers by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems. This site is powered by Netlify; Changelog; Command Line Interface. In most cases this output has 4 pins: GND, 5v, 20V and DATA. 8%. ESPHome tries to automatically infer Dec 21, 2023 · I think what your problem is, you needed to set the pin number (GPIO4) on a different line, then add the allow_other_uses after that line. # Example configuration entry sensor: - platform: ina219 address: 0x40 shunt_resistance: 0. SPI: Revert clk_pin to standard output pin schema esphome#6368 by @clydebarrow. Like this … ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems. Dockerfile 0. tun_on: action, the extension will suggest the compatible ids. 1 ohm current: name: "INA219 Current" power: name: "INA219 Power" bus_voltage: name: "INA219 Bus Voltage" shunt_voltage: name: "INA219 Shunt Feb 21, 2024 · I’ve upgrade ESPHome to 2024. 0 to 24. It is a breaking change in 2024. Table of Contents. json core#409. from Home Assistant. 0 protocol. Sep 1, 2022 · Release 2022. The sensor can measure distances up to 2 meters, though that figure depends significantly {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"guides":{"items":[{"name":"images","path":"guides/images","contentType":"directory"},{"name":"automations. 20 The list below provides a list of keys and values (and their expected value type) that may be sent to the "esphome out" nodes. I want to create a: In some places, ESPHome also supports a more advanced “pin schema”. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. When not specified, partitions are automatically generated based on flash_size. Release 1. ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and Most MicroNova based pellet stoves have a serial output. The dallas component allows you to use your DS18b20 ( datasheet ) and similar 1-Wire temperature sensors. To start the ESPHome dashboard, simply start ESPHome with the following command (with config/ pointing to a directory where you want to store your configurations) # Install dashboard dependencies. The restart switch platform allows you to restart your node remotely through Home Assistant. It’s time for another release of esphomelib: 1. # Example configuration entry event: - platform The cwww light platform creates a cold white + warm white light from 2 float output components (one for each channel). Dont add wifi block to yaml if discovered device uses ethernet esphome#3882 by @jesserockz. It was primarily designed for the Home Assistant add-on, but also works with a simple command. 0 ¶. 8 esphome#1460 by @glmnet (cherry-picked) docs: fixed duplicate id in example for dac output docs#909 by @dmannock. payload = {'state': true} ESPHome is a system to control your microcontrollers by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems. 2 from 2. 4 - October 7 ¶. Update dashboard to 20210617. docs: Remove cs_pin from rc522 i2c example docs#1059 by @jesserockz. core: Fix WiFi Info Text Sensor core#554. This should make the user interface snappier and more stable. C++ 0. The template event platform enables you to define events that trigger specific automations or actions within Home Assistant. Oct 12, 2023 · Changelog for ESPHome 2023. ESP8266: Only pin A0 (GPIO17) can be used. 3V), green initiates the data transfer when connected to GND and should therefore be Changelog for esphomelib version 1. The he60r cover platform allows you to control a HomEntry HE60R garage door opener. core: Fix addressable lights starting white at boot core#556. The esp32_ble_tracker component creates a global hub so that you can track bluetooth low energy devices using your ESP32 node. One uses the Panasonic EKMC4607112K sensor, and the other uses the Panasonic EKMB1107112 sensor. 2 🎉 esphome: API: copy the data to send into the tcp internal buffer esphome#1455 by @mknjc (cherry-picked) esphome: Revert esptool to 2. Base Usage--help Option--verbose Option esphome; Changelog; etesync. 10. The tx20 sensor platform allows you to use your TX20/TX23 ( Amazon , lacrosse_tx23 ) wind direction and speed sensors with ESPHome. WiFi Component. ESPHome is a framework for working with ESP devices, and making them easier to setup and use in a home automation environment. 0 ESPHome Core Configuration. publish_state(): Manually cause the switch to publish a new state and store it internally. Jul 6, 2023 · ESPHome. pin: number: GPIO4. Remember to save your changes. ¶. 20. A new version has been released since you last visited this page: 2024. 11. Dec 27, 2023 · Changelog for ESPHome 2023. Once platformio releases version 4. id ( Optional, ID ): Specify the ID of the time for use in lambdas. From now ESPHome will be versioned according to the year and month of the release. Communication with the device is over I²C, which must be present in your configuration. Here you specify some core information that ESPHome needs to create firmwares. You also can’t have both Wifi and Ethernet setup in same time (even if your ESP has both wired). Sync with ESPHome v2022. # Example configuration entry light: - platform: cwww name: "Livingroom Lights" cold_white: output_component1 warm_white: output_component2 cold_white_color The ESPHome native API is used to communicate with clients directly, with a highly-optimized network protocol. One is I have to go do update all, which I think stops of I exit from the log (might not be true) plus it updates all the boards including the ones that don't have an update available. // Within lambda, make the switch report a specific state id(my_switch). ESPHome leverages this platform and brings the powerful yet simple YAML configuration to these chips. When you want to use different I2C busses then you need more I2C definitions, but then you also need to use different pin’s for the different busses. # Example configuration entry sensor: - platform: homeassistant name: "Temperature Sensor From Home Assistant" entity_id: sensor. some_config_option: # Basic: pin: GPIOXX # Advanced: pin: number: GPIOXX inverted: true mode: input: true pullup: true. Nov 4, 2022 · Running ESPHome on lower powered machines ¶. A RS232 transceiver must be placed between the Batteries and the ESPHome device. Reserve less memory for json esphome#3289 by @jesserockz. This brings many underlying changes to the ESP8266 SDK. Add network type to mdns service message esphome#3880 by @jesserockz. The vl53l0x sensor platform allows you to use VL53L0X optical time of flight ( datasheet , ST) with ESPHome to measure distances. Version 1. This is a repeat from the 2022. 706 followers. scottastrophik July 6, 2023, 4:54pm 1. Home Assistant is constantly changing and evolving. Now using version in sync with ESPHome, during beta time of ESPHome there might be a pre release version available ; Fixed an issue where effects autocomplete were not listed on some lights v. 0 esphome#6602 by @dependabot [bot] Add yamllint and clang-format to pre-commit hooks esphome#6578 by @clydebarrow. You need to have a network configuration (either Wifi or Ethernet) or ESPHome will fail in the config validation stage. 2 🎉 The template alarm control panel platform allows you to turn your binary sensors into a state machine managed alarm control panel. 0. The ESPHome Home Assistant addon repository is added by default to new Home Assistant installations. Programming a ESP-based device is done by connecting the serial port on the ESP8266/ESP32 to your computer through a USB to serial adapter. These custom events can be utilized to orchestrate complex behaviors across your smart home ecosystem based on conditions or sequences defined in your ESPHome configuration. Replace CLIMATE_MODE_AUTO with CLIMATE_MODE_HEAT_COOL in most cases esphome#1933 by @jesserockz. Most importantly, this is the section of the configuration where you specify the name of the node. It is not currently compatible with newer Chamberlain units that use the Security+ 2. Pulse Counter Sensor. Rtttl Buzzer. In your ESPHome configuration for each device, find the lines: api: password: "YOUR_PASSWORD The SX1509 component allows you to expand your I/O capabilities: ( datasheet , SparkFun) in ESPHome. It communicates over I²C. - esphome/esphome The veml7700 sensor platform allows you to use the Vishay VEML7700 and VEML6030 ambient light sensors with ESPHome. Template Datetime. yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It accepts the Ring Tone Text Transfer Language, rtttl format ( Wikipedia) which allows to store simple melodies. 19. publish_state(true); Configuration variables: ¶. using the command line. . One of esp32 , esp32s2, esp32s3, esp32c3 and esp32h2. publish_state(false); id(my_switch). 7KΩ. The rtttl, component allows you to easily connect a passive piezo buzzer to your microcontroller and play monophonic songs. Mar 1, 2023 · Changelog for ESPHome 2023. Compiling and Uploading the New Firmware: Now, compile your new firmware and upload it to your device over the USB connection. This climate component allows you to control compatible AC units by sending an infrared (IR) control signal, just as the unit’s handheld remote controller would. Makefile 1. Use clang-format version from requirements_dev file esphome#6606 by @jesserockz. Try doing this, of course you have to add this to the to pin GPIO04. core: Fix on_press / on_release being triggered on initial state core#425. 0 (with python 3 support), I will go through and check everything still works. 2 release notes. It is based on optocouplers for galvanic separation and logic level shifting between 5v and 3V3. I can not after latest upgrade of HA and esp home not compile the bme280 anymore. No programming or other software required. The VEML7700 uses a fixed address of 0x10, while the smaller VEML6030 ESPHome uses different naming and entity ID rules based on the configuration of the ESPHome device. There are two models currently available. 0 and since then I can’t update my Sonoff Pow R2 anymore because the option ‘update_interval: 30s’ is suddenly an invalid option while it always was there. Currently, only the ESPHome tool, Home Assistant and ioBroker use this native API. The 1-Wire bus the sensors are connected to should have an external pullup resistor of about 4. If it’s different from the last internal state, it’s additionally published to the frontend. RJ45 Pin. core: Fix homeassistant mqtt discovery for light components core#553 by @puuu. The 3. The biggest challenge to getting started with ESPHome is the initial installation of ESPHome on your device. Bump aioesphomeapi from 24. 22. This release is quite small as myself (@jesserockz) and @kbx81 have been focusing on voice_assistant updates and preparations for the Year of the Voice - Chapter 4. @grahambrown11 also has contributed the base alarm control panel code and a template alarm control panel. It is safe to delete the Community ESPHome addon Jun 14, 2018 · esphome_core_version has been removed - ESPHome is no longer split up in the core and python repository. In case you use an external serial programmer connected WiFi Component ¶. Click “Start” and then click “Open Web UI”. Defaults to the variant that is detected from the board; if a board that’s unknown to ESPHome is used, this option is mandatory. 12. inverted ( Optional, boolean): If all read and written values should be treated as inverted. Adds completions on declared ids e. 0 esphome#1930 by @balloob. One day, you might be editing your automations and scripts using YAML, the next you might be using a fancy and user-friendly interface. Optocoupler interface circuit (credit: philibertc) ¶. Hello, after the last update for ESPHome most of my sensors seem to be no longer working. esphome: Change COLOR_ON to be 255 values instead of 1 esphome#1594 by @jesserockz. go mf ok iy ye qd in ul po jq